06-02-2021. All Crypto-currency Update

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3 years ago

Hello beautiful peoples. I hope youโ€™re doing great. Here's i come with daily cryptocurrency news. Hope you guys like it. So let's get started.

Guys as we see this picture BTC rate quite high, it's quite high. Dollar rate 39.5k and compare to yesterday It's quite high. And dollar rate increased to 5.38%.

Etherium (ETC) rate is also good. But price not so high. I think you should reserved your ETC for more. ETC rate just 1.69k. Dollar rate change into 2.53%. It's quite high from yesterday.

DOT dollar rate has slightly decreased from tomorrow.Dollar rate 0.02 % has increased. It's quite good nor bad.

FILL rate is also good, dollar rate 24.296 and slightly changed dollar rate. And dollar price increased to 4.38%. FILL rate is quite good.

HTB rate quite low. Don't so low but wait for high rate. Dollar rate increased to 5.38%.

XRP rate is quite high. As we seen this picture It's increased into -4.36 % And dollar rate 0.436. It's quite down today.

LTC rate is also down today.. Dollar rate 160 and price increased to 5.11. %. Yesterday it was low. You should withdraw your money if you want to withdraw it.

LINK rate is also down .. Dollar rate 25.874 and price decreased into 2.38 Not so low but wait for the high rate .you should reserve for more.

BCH rate is high. But we want BCH rate is so high. Because we all read.cash user want BCH rate high. BCH rate increased 10% and dollar rate 479. 52. Which is quite high. So guys my opinion is you should withdraw your money. Because BCH rate is slightly high from yesterday. So It's better to withdraw.

Today's most increasable crypto is ERG. Which dollar rate is 0.00004646 and increased to 85.6805

Yesterday most rising crypto was ADA1D3L.. Today's rate 12.55 and increased to 26.24%. So as you seen this picture there's lot of top rising crypto-currencies here. So please check it out by yourself.

So that's all for today. See you guys tomorrow.

$ 0.28
$ 0.27 from @TheRandomRewarder
$ 0.01 from @Achie
Avatar for Emma00
Written by
3 years ago
