Away from this MEAN WORLD!

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4 years ago


This world may be a good place for you but it never been a place where you do everything with pure dedication and hard work if you do so you'll face the worst part of it. I believe whenever you're a normal person behind others you're safe from this mean nature of this world.


If you're mistakenly or luckily become popular or successful this world will try to pull your legs at most. Even your closest ones will be enemies no matter what jealous people are all around.


Let me share you something when my friends got success in admitting in their dream field I cheer with them even I was lacking in everything but there was no trace of hate and jealousy in myself. They were all successful I'm talking about my school friends I never ever thought to disgrace them by any means because I believe this is what God wants and everything happens to you in this world is for your own good it has something that can benefit you in future.


Just look at the dark world teasing you, hating you, abusing you what you think? You'll respond to them? NOWAY! What if you combine fire with more fire? It will be more disastrous for you and your opposition. Why not throw a tank of water even before the first spark of fire?


Pulling someone legs is never been a solution you must think and see in your own collars!

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