Common Virus Among Us

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One of the diseases we have being facing from days is smallpox. It's really common among our children and adults.

The disease commences with an acute fever and headache. The next day a rash appears mainly on the hands, feet and face. The rash consist of red spots and this spots enlarge after about 7days becomes filled with pus.

The virus passes from one person to another mainly by simply infection or by droplet infection. When a person speaks or cough or sneezes heavily droplets of moisture come from the mouth and nose of the infected person,will contain the virus of smallpox.

Another possible source of infection is through contact. The pus in the nodules on the skin of the of the patient contains the virus whenever the modules burst, the virus emerge and if probably find contact with an open wound in the skin ,they enter the blood stream. Once the virus enter the blood stream, they multiply under favourable conditions.

Smallpox can be prevented by vaccination simply prescribe by the Doctor. A person who has not been vaccinated and has recovered from smallpox has a natural acquired immunity for life.

This smallpox virus is contained in the lymph, which is then tested for purity from other germs. The vaccine,made from calves, lymph and glycerine is applied to the skin and the skin is scratched with sharp needle. A slight swelling in the lymphatic glands after vaccination shows that the body is producing antibodies.

Thanks for reading....

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