Life isn't Supposed to be Easy

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3 years ago (Last updated: 2 years ago)
Topics: Life, Journey, Blog, Writing, Experiences, ...

We have our own share of the challenges in life.

And when I say that, I know it's true. If we start to stop thinking that the rich doesn't experience bad days, or that we are like this because our parents are poor, I think we can get better perspectives in life.

The rich struggle with a sick family member, too. The rich have their own family feuds, too. They may have a different versions of what we call 'hard times' but they also struggle.

It's just that we, the poor people find everything hard because we have a little or no means to supply our needs, and wants. We find it hard to get by another day to eat three square meals—everything is just difficult without money. And we already think we are the most miserable humans to ever exist.

Hard times aren't supposedly measured.

Ever heard two people conversing about their problems? All of us sure did. I notice the same thing over and over again.

It seems like they are competing on who had it harder, who has harder trials, as if one would win an award or something.

We forget that we talk about these stressful problems to release stress itself; we are supposed to bring each other up.

Yes, your dad is hospitalized right now, his grandma is bedridden now. You have no means to get medicine, and he can't give his grandma proper medical attention and equipment. Still, you're both struggling, that's enough.

Don't look at others to motivate yourself, look at yourself.

We all have heard of this famous advice: When you're having a hard time, look below, not above. You'll think you're still lucky because you don't experience what these people undergo.

That maybe true to you, but it always isn't. That alone won't solve your problem. Why don't you just stop looking for any signs and just take action?

Those people below you, may be working for a solution now, and one day, thay may have overcome. These people aren't there to be your signs that you're lucky, they have their own lives to deal with, you have your own.

You matter. Your own struggles are valid.

There I said it. You have to know it.

If I may share, this article was inspired by one of the beautiful things said by one of my favorite persons in this world: Kim Seokjin of BTS. Yes, I have learned a lot, I am not just a fan of handsome guys who make music (Like how the world stigmatized the term Kpop Fans).

Here is what he said. I believe you have to know this, too. Just in case you aren't aware yet:

"Just because others are having difficulties, doesn't mean that yours get any less difficult. So, whenever you're having a hard time, tell others that you're struggling. Ask them to understand and comfort you."

BTS' Kim Seokjin.

Even it's the 'hard exams', or the 'difficulty of making friends', or even just the struggle to wake up and 'keep moving', those are valid. These may sound so petty for others.

Others are even disabled but they have more energy than you.

It's just exams, it is harder when you work.

You just say 'Hi'! What's so hard in making friends?

Don't listen to these crap. Yes, those are crap made as motivational remarks.

You have a hard time doing something and that is valid. You are human, and life isn't supposed to be easy.

Yes, these things may be something that you may just remember in the future and even laugh about, but they are giving you a hard time right now, and you should acknowledge that. People should acknowledge that.

And if they don't, then leave them be. It's not like thay can solve your problems. There maybe times when you are all alone, why not believe yourself for those times? If you don't trust yourself, who else would?

So stop forcing positivity and recognize you are under trials now. Seek help from people you know that will help, not invalidate your feelings.

We should stop being the toxic people, too, who judge others based on how we see their problems on the surface. As long as we aren't in their shoes, we will never know what they really are going through.

How's your day? I hope you got a little cheered up by my random thoughts. I wrote this with BTS' Jin's wise words as my theme, and I put my heart into it. Why?

Because I experienced the feeling of being invalidated, too.

If ever you feel that way, or people make you feel that way, realize that they are not worth it. Devote more time in appreciating yourself because you are amazing. You are getting through on your own. You are getting there.

I am rooting for you. Until next time, my dear friends!

Lead Image is edited with a text for them by Ellehcim

Source: Man Cheering

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Avatar for Ellehcim
3 years ago (Last updated: 2 years ago)
Topics: Life, Journey, Blog, Writing, Experiences, ...


and for the most part, don't mind what other people think. we can't please everybody. 😉

$ 0.01
3 years ago

Yes, I used to live based on others' standard and it is just so exhausting. No matter what I do, people will still find faults in me. So might as well, do my thing, not giving any care about what they will say. I know I am doing the right thing and I can't be bothered by their slanders.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Hello, @Ellehcim!

I like how you motivate yourself. It's kind of heart-breaking to hear, at least to me because I've been there, and I know what and how it feels. But hey, that's what we do when life gives us reasons to give up - we find reasons to live. For ourselves, for the people that matters to us. I'll see you around here and hope to read more of your stories! :)

$ 0.01
3 years ago

Hello Little Madam! I m so touched by your warm words. I feel that we can all relate somehow with the fact that our emotions and hard times are being invalidated by others. But yes, what's more important is that, we acknowledge and help ourselves when other's can't and even if others won't.

I hope you'll enjoy more of my future works. I welcome you with virtual hugs!

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Aww, you are the first one to welcome me here. I appreciate you! I'm still trying to explore the platform. This is still a maze for me, but I am trying to learn. I have to count my actions here since I am still confuse as to what and how to maneuver my account/this platform. I'll read more of your articles! Thank you again. (Insert heart emojis here.)

$ 0.00
3 years ago

I am rooting for your success! I still consider myself as a beginner too. I have more to learn here. But everything's so fun. I hope you enjoy your stay.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

I enjoyed reading it. I like how you were inspired by Kim's words. Very well written.

$ 0.02
3 years ago

Thank you so much for the nice words. I will do better next time ♥️

$ 0.00
3 years ago

That's the key for success. Keep writing we will be better and better. I like your attitude.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Yes, I can definitely see I still have more rooms for imrpovement. Training doesn't make perfect, but at least it brings better results.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Definitely. You already have results.

$ 0.00
3 years ago