Hi everyone, I hope everyone's feeling good. I am actually new here and this is my first article so bear with me. And so I was thinking since I am new I would like to introduce myself first before moving on to a next topic because I am feeling that I will have lots of topics to share here so it's better to start with who I am first. I used to wrote stories in my high school years and I also have a slam book where I kept some of my memories when I was a student. And there are lots of time that I want to write a story and I have this in my thoughts but then when I begin to write I always stuck at the first paragraph. There's this always thought that distracted me and began to lose confidence. So I would be proud of myself if I can finish this write ups.
My name starts with a vowel sound. I am 24 years old. With this year of existence I have lots of experiences in life. I love traveling so much. It makes me feel alive and happy. I travel often especially when I feel I need some break and when I am exhausted at work. I've been to a lot of tourists spots locally and my dream is to travel more to farther places. When I travel I always have my perks which they're fond of travelling also and experience new adventure. It's always good to breath in with fresh air so sometimes we go mountains or beach.
I work as a call center agent for 2years and so. I'm in graveyard shift and I have Saturday and Sunday as rest days. I am currently working from home. My company has not yet decided when will be going back to the office until now which I am happy because working from home is very convenient for me. I mean who doesn't want to work from home, when you take your breaks you have a nice pillow and bed to lay on. And not only that you will be able to eat food that is prepared by your mother after work plus you always got to see them.
Anyways, I know that this is not the typical "know me" story that you will like because I myself can't figure out where I insert another topic or so, but hey atleast I try☺️. Thank you and be safe all.
Thank you🤗🤗🤗