The traditional Moroccan Robe "Djelaba"

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Avatar for Elhabib1
2 years ago

From centuries the Moroccans wear the fantastic Djelaba. Some people in Morocco always wear these types of clothes. Even Kings, princes, politicians, and citizens wear these special kinds of clothes. So let us ask some questions about this incredible suit.

Are you familiar with the Moroccan Djelaba?

Do you know what and when the Moroccans wear Djelaba?

We will answer all of the previous questions in our lines today.

The most popular clothes in Morocco is "Djelaba" or robe. You can find out that most of the people wear Djelaba as a simbole of their ancient culture, and also as a simbole of respect.

You might find that very interesting when you go deeper while reading what is behind these lines. If you are not familiar with the Moroccan Djelaba and how it is very popular then let us see how it is very important to know about this amazing warm suit.

People wear the Moroccan Djelaba in all over the country either in cities or mountains. The Moroccan robe "Djelaba" is made from wool and it takes different colors and special decorations. People wear it in special celebrations like Eid Al Adha, Eid El Feter, and even whenever they go to Mosques and they consider it as a special suit for the mosques. People also wear this type of clothes in winter because it is warm and prtoect your body from getting cold.

If you ask someone what is the most popular clothes in Morocco, be sure that his answer will be "Djelaba" Robe.

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Avatar for Elhabib1
2 years ago


You are welcome all the time

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I love Moroccan dressing and music, specially the formal dress that covers whole body

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2 years ago