The Moroccan Pizza. How to make Pizza in 4 quick steps.

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Avatar for Elhabib1
2 years ago

Before talking about the Moroccan Pizza, you know that pizza has a lot of shapes and people use different ingredients and things to make this delicious meal. So let us find out how the Moroccans prepare this meal in their houses.

First: You have to prepare a dough with olive oil, yeast, a tastespoon salt. Then put it into a saucepan and cook it.

Second: Boil tomato with seeder, thyme, and salt in a saucepan. Do the same thing for green, red, and yellow paper (you can boil only one of them or one that you prefer much). You have also to cook onion with chicken, beef, fish, or any meat that you prefer by adding the same things that we added with tomato and pepper.

Third: If your dough is ready, you can now decorate your pizza. First add tomato over the dough them onion with chicken or beef. Next add pepper, cheese and cherry olive as the last thing on your pizza.

Fourth: Serve and enjoy your pizza.

Bon appetit 

$ 0.78
$ 0.78 from @TheRandomRewarder


You are welcome

$ 0.00
2 years ago

So yummy, thank you for sharing the receipe

$ 0.00
2 years ago