Oukaimden Skiing, Morocco.

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Avatar for Elhabib1
2 years ago

Oukaimden is also one of the best places that you can visit in Morocco, especially in winter. Let's take a tour over there.

Oukaimden is a well-known place in Morocco. Oukaimden is in Ourika, Morocco. This special name comes from the four wind valley. It is about 74 km from Marrakech and its hight is about 3200 meters. This area is famous with snow fall from winter untill the end of April. Sometimes it depends on the weather. You have just to watch the weather and check if there is snow there then you can travel to enjoy one of the best places that you might have ever seen.

There are a lot things that you can enjoy on your way to Oukaimden. You can enjoy looking at buildings from clay and straw, the nature in mountains, humble people, some daily activities of people of the mountains, sellers besides roads, horses, donkyes....and other extra ordinary views.

If you want to have fun in Morocco in winter then my advice to you is to visit Oukaimden. This wonderful place have got the interests of many visitors from different countries all over the globe. People from all territories, cities in Morocco come to spend their vacations in that wonderful place. Toursits that visit Marrakech always go to Oukaimden in winter when snow covers the mountain. You have to climbe the mountain if you really want to reach the place where you can skiing. There is no need to take any tools of skiing. You can get everything from the people and rent it from them. You can also rent houses and stay in hotels over there if you want to enjoy more days. You could also buy traditional tools from there: rings, clothes, necklaces, decorations, and multiple traditional things.

You have just to becareful because there are some places that you can not try as they are dangerous for skiing. All what you have to do is to pay attention to the signposts that you will find over there, which guide you to stay only in a safe area.

This is was a small tour from over there. You should try it and enjoy your vacation.

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$ 0.14 from @TheRandomRewarder
Avatar for Elhabib1
2 years ago
