Keep your dream alive

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Avatar for Elhabib1
2 years ago

A long time ago, a smart boy lived in a village full of rich people. The boy was smart but his family were simple and not rich. The boy's name was Alexander . He was 12 years old and someone who has a lot of plans for his future.

Alxander was a shapred who spent most of his time in beside rivers, mountains, hells and all the place that might have grass for his folk. He was smart because he was singing while he was with his folk.

Alexander was someone with great vision. He said that one day "will not follow this folk again and I will be exactly as rich or more than those selfich people in my neighborhood.

Alxander decided to take a new adventure when he was 15. He started by travelling into a new city far from his home. He decided to start a new life with new ideas.

First of all, he went through a lot of obstacles and disappointments until he is 20. Later, Alexander will meet a girl name Daiana. She is a white girl with brown eyes and golden hair. Diana is from a rich family also. Alexander is know a singer, not a famous singer but he's famous in streets and night clubs. He met her first in a caffee. When he saw her, he couldn't be patient for a second. Now they become friends, for the first time it is a great achievement.

Alexander will release his first song now by the help of Diana. Her father own a studio. In the first time, her father was against her idea but after he listened to his voice from a night club. He dicided to invite him into his studio.

Alexander was very excited and admitted his love to Diana. He loved her from the first time he saw her. Alexander released his first album" keep your dream" the album had gained about 1 milliar views in 4 months. Alexander is now one of the richest singers all over the world.

Alexander said in an interview" I was always able to complete my dream. I have never forgotten the little cheapred on me, but my advice to you is to work for your goal and get what is yours. Keep your dream alive"

Alexander and Diana got married. Now they have two beautiful children. Alexander is now a big singer.

Always keep the good work twords your goals.

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$ 0.12 from @TheRandomRewarder
Avatar for Elhabib1
2 years ago
