How to prepare the Moroccan Tagine with beaf, prune, and almond.

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2 years ago

Tagines with beaf, prune, and almond are the best meal that Moroccans people do from time to time. It is a meal that you can not get rid of or disgust. You will not for sure because I assume that most the way the Moroccans prepare this type of Tagines is absolutely different from the other Tagines. So let me show you the three main steps to prepare the Moroccan tagine with beaf, prune, and almond

  • Step 1: The first thing that you have to do is to put prune in a pot with cinnamon then leave it untill it is ready. While the prune on the stove, do the same thing with almond in a different pot but add only almond in another pot. Take a Tagine and the amount of beaf that you want, cut union into small pieces ( about 3 unions. It depends on your family members) and put it besides beaf . After that you will have to add cinnamon, You need to add half of a spoon of ginger, and turmerict together, put them on the beaf then add a small spoon of salt, pour some oil over the beaf. add some water (only half of a small cup).

  • Step 2: Heat the stove and put your tagine untill it is ready. It will be ready in about one hour alongside with prune and almond. (It depends on the heat of your oven). Remember to add another small half cup of water to the tagine if it is neccessary. You have to over low heat and from time to time check your tagine if it is ready or not yet.

  • Step 3: When the Tagine is ready alongside with prune and almond, put the Tagine from the fire and decorate it by adding the prune and almond to your Tagine. Now you can serve it.

Note: There are alot types of Moroccan Tagines that are very delicious and tastes amazing. We will see the other types in the upcoming articles.

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2 years ago
