How to prepare the Moroccan milk with bread.
You might be confused because of the title and maybe also with the Moroccan culture but you will used to it because of the things that you are going to see in the coming articles.
The title consists of milk and bread! This is something strange for most of you because you think that the Moroccan culture is obvious. This meal is something that you might find in other cultures. The only difference is the way of making it.
We all know that milk is for drink. You might drink it in a coffee or alone. Moroccans do something different with milk sometimes. That's why we are going to see how to prepare this strange meal for most of you.
Firstly, you have to pour two or three cups of milk into a small pot then add some salt to your milk. After that put it over the oven.
Secondly, wait untill your milk boiled then put it down from the oven. Take some bread and cut it into small pieces then put it into the pot. Mix bread in the milk then enjoy your meal.
Notice that this type of meals is well know in the rural areas of Morocco. You have to try milk with bread.
Thanks for your comment. Well these types are popular in Morocco. They are very delicious of course try them and let me know. You are welcome all the time.