How to prepare the Moroccan Harira with Semolina

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Avatar for Elhabib1
2 years ago

There are a lot of types of Harira in Morocco. Today we are going to talk about an easy type of Harira that you can make in just two minutes. People in Morocco always love Harira in the morning, especially Semolina. It is just wonderful.

So let's figure out how to make this delicious meal.

In the beginning, you have to buy semolina and check if there is nothing in it. Next, put Semolina into a pot and fill it with enough water (it depends on how many people are you). After that, add some salt and one a small spoon of olive oil to your pot then put it over the oven leave it untill it is ready. It might be ready in less than 30 minutes do not forget to check it.

Least but not last, add a cup of milk to you pot and when it is about to be ready. Keep it over the oven for 2 minutes then put it down.

Finally, you can now serve it in bowls and enjoy this traditional Moroccan Harira.

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