How to prepare the Moroccan eggs with Milk.

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Avatar for Elhabib1
2 years ago

Most of the you are in a hurry. Sometimes, you have to take fast food in order to make your belly satisfied. Yes, we all just making our bellies being satisfied when we are in a hurry.

Every country has some types of fast food. So Morocco also does. One of the popular types is eggs with milk. Many people in Morocco have not yet tried to eat this wonderful meal. Some of them still wondering how to cook it. It is not famous in all the Moroccan cities and terrotiries, but it is very famous in rural areas and mountains.

So let us learn how to make this delicious meal in two steps.

  • Step 1: take a saucepan, break one, two, three or four eggs (it depends on how many eggs you want) in the saucepan, Add some milk, a cup of milk would be good with three eggs or less, Add some salt to your saucepan and put it over the oven.

  • Step 2: You have to wait only for two to three minutes for your meal to be ready. When it is ready, you can some olive oil over your eggs and milk then enjoy your meal.

There are many other types of food that we can mix with eggs in order to make a fast meal.

$ 1.03
$ 1.03 from @TheRandomRewarder


I am going to try this. I assume it is delicious. And I believe that it is good to try cultures from other country, especially their foods.

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2 years ago