How to prepare the Moroccan Caffee in 4 quick steps.

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Avatar for Elhabib1
2 years ago

Have you ever asked about the popular coffee in Morocco?

Do you know that there is a special type of coffee here in Morocco?

People drink coffee in all over the world; however, every country has a special type of coffee on the way they make it. Here is Morocco, you can find and taste another type of coffee that you might have never drunk before. People most of time make it in the morning, in the evening, or when they have gests.

In this short lines we are going to explain how to prepare the Moroccan coffee in few minutes.

First of all, you have to put enough water in a kettle, add two spoons of ground coffee, then put it on the oven.

Second, when your coffee is ready put it down from the oven and add enough saugar ( it depends on how piece of sugar you want).

Third, use a coffee filter and filter the coffee into another kettle then you can add milk to your coffee or just keep it a black coffee.

Forth, serve your coffee into cups and enjoy the Moroccan coffee.

These are the four quick steps that you have to follow to prepare a wonderful cup of coffee.

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