How To Make The Traditional Moroccan Mint Tea in 4 Quick Steps

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2 years ago

We all know that Morocco has a very long story with tea from generations until nowadays. All the tourists from different countries that have travelled into Morocco have drunk the mint tea. So let us go and figure out how to make this delicious Moroccan mint tea in 4 steps.

Step 1: pour two glasses or three of water in a kettle or pot.

Step 2: Add gunpowder green tea leaves to your teapot. After that, you will add the two or three cups that you boiled and then put it on the fire.

Step 3: Let the teapot on fire for about 5 minutes or 10 until it is boiling again then put the teaput from the fire. Next, add fresh mint and the amount of sugar that you want and leave it for 5 minutes. Pour the tea in a glass then turn it back to the teapot or you can just put a spoon in the teapot and stir the spoon.  

Step 4: Pour tea into glasses by rising your hand a little bit in order to make frothy or head on each glasses.

That is all what you need to prepare the Moroccan mint tea.

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2 years ago
