Cats and human beings what relationship?

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2 years ago

Have you ever asked yourself what is the real relationships between cats and human beings?

Have you ever wondered for a second that cats can make you happy when you touch them even you are sad and stressed?

We are all as human beings have different moods and psychological differences. But cats could make us happy because of the relations that we have with them. When you have a cat in your house be sure that you will always look for it. Cats show their love for us: A cat might run to the door when you first come and receive you with a full heart of love by touching your legs. Cats can also come and sit besides you while you are eating, reading, cooking, or even while you are sleeping. Cats like this showing their attidutdes and love. So we can define that the relation between cats and human is just a normal relation because cats show their love the same way a real person does.

Now can you imagine how can cats make you happy while you are stressed and sad?

The answer is simple. Cats can just touch you and then you can feel how it is closed to you and feels you. Cats are lovely animals that show their innocent love by spreading it with the one who loves them and look after them.

I do love cats because their love is pure and honest and no one can give you or provide with love like that except pure hearts.

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Avatar for Elhabib1
2 years ago
