Bomb Crypto up or down?

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Avatar for Elhabib1
2 years ago

The most popular game nowadays is bomb crypto. People from all over the world are investing on this game. The game was on the top from the first moment it has released. People, however, bought that currency and heroes even the highest price that they cost.

The game has been sold over 16 million heroes until this moment because the currency is going down incredibly from 8 dollars for 1Bcoin to 1, 2 dollars. This was like a slap on the face of all the people who bought that Bcoin on its top.

A lot of Bomb crypto users are arguing wither this game is going to stand again or it will just break down. The answer is no one could assume the end of this game or can give a clear vision about the future of this game. Some people still hold all the Bcoins that they have won from the game even the currency is going down. They still believe that this Bcoin currency will come back and increase just the way it is decreasing now.

Many suggestions might be right in this moment but the game is still working and people still buying and selling the coins.

$ 0.09
$ 0.09 from @TheRandomRewarder
