The miracles of Elderflower - Sambucus Nigra

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One of the ancient plant that in its own essence it can be a magical cure for many diseases of the body.

Elderflower is also known through its latin name as Sambucus Nigra, which might confuse many people because of its same name like the Sambucus Nigra from the South Africa, which means " elder berry " ... known as well as " european black elder" ...

The elderflower that i would like to talk about today is the one with white flowers:

This plant was also know from the german medicine as well.

Elderflower was used very much as tea in traditional German medicine.

It was used for its strong antioxidant properties and antiviral effects, which makes the tea made from elderflowers very popular for fighting cold, flu and their symptoms.

It's a plant very rich in vitamin C and it also has antioxidant properties, which made it very famous for fighting the premature aging.

The elderflower is a tall shrub, having about 4-5 m, that grows from the plain to the lower mountain area, also at the edge of forests and roads.

I do recommend to pick it up mostly near the forests and not near the roads, especially where lots of vehicles are circulating and are poluting the air, because that dust and all those fuel noxious substances are settling on the plant and mostly on its white flowers ... and i can guarantee you that it won't taste organic anymore. NOt to mention, what your body will endure by drinking tea or syrup made from a polluted flower.

The flowers appear in May and June and are small, yellowish/white, very fragrant and full of pollen.

Elderflower preparations can be used in brooches, pharyngitis, gout, rheumatism, urinary tract infections.

Its fruits can be used with caution in constipation problems as well.

For women who gave birth and they don't have enough milk to breastfeed the baby, the tea from elderflower will increase the percentage of milk so they will be able to provide a more nutricious milk for their babies.

This ancient plant in my opinion, through its high level of volatile oil, rutoside, amino compounds, glycosides, carbohydrates, tannins, saponins, mucilages and fruits contain anthocyanins, vitamins A and C, it has a magical power to cure and solve lots of body problems.

I do recommend to all of you, especially if you are living in the country side, that, when it will be the month of May-June, go out ( hopefully you'll be able and there won't be anymore the lockdown protocol) and harvest the elderflowers and dry them for tea, boil them for syrup or create delicious summery drinks from its flowers ...

You'll enjoy it as a refreshment after a hot day.

As a cure for Soul as well, enjoy some of my music compositions:

Balkan Forest

Ciao a tutti!

$ 0.00


Good work thanks for sharing it

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Nature is such a wonderful resources for us. If we take care of them they will sure pay for us. This is what this plant is doing for us. Providing us medicine for our health..thnaks for sharing

$ 0.01
4 years ago