Lego legends from Marsoom planet

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This story relates the adventure of Shaggy & Scooby Doo on Marsoom planet, where they've met a Jedi ...

One day, Shaggy and Scooby Doo started their research inside the desert of Namib ...

They've been searching for a secret treasure, which consisted in what some tribes from Namib knew about ... the so called "vibranium" the most powerful source of "free everlasting energy" ...

They've started their research, when suddenly, they've been teleported through a Portal of Light inside another dimension ...

Here they've been now ...

From a desert ... they've arrived to a land that looked almost like a silver soil, but still ... there you cold see vegetation ...

Without being so shocked they've started to explore the land ... and soon enough, Scooby Doo found something interesting ...

The Koryadendum Tree ...

They've heard about this tree and its healing properties, but they couldn't imagine that this green tree could growi in such an environment like this one ...

Immediately, Scooby Doo called Shaggy to come and see what he found ...

They began to smell the scent of bay leaves, lavender and cinnamon and could not spot where this smell came from, until, Scooby Doo warned Shaggy to look beyond on the Koryadendum Trees ... and between his teeth he was asking Shaggy ... " Who is this entity?"

The so called, "entity" was behind one of the green Koryadendum Trees ...

Noticing that his hiding place had been unmasked, he came out to introduce himself ...

He was the source of that awesome scent of bay leaves, lavender and cinnamon ...

Dear Souls, I salute you from the source of the Koryadendum Tree from the Marsoom planet ...

My name is LukArt and i am a Jedi from the Owls Oath of our planet Marsoom ... We are the ones who are protecting the never ending source of energy, named Vibranium.

I've seen you through one of our Portals, that you were looking for this source of everlasting energy, and it happened that you've accessed one of our Portals inside the desert of Namib ...

And, here you are my dear Souls, meeting with your Inner Guide ... Jedi LukArt ...

If, you would like please follow me ...

Shaggy and Scooby Doo, were shocked at the beginning but after the mutual presentation protocols have been implemented, they've decided to follow their new guide inside this planet named Marsoom ...

Jedi LukArt was telling them hundreds of stories about how they are visiting our Earth as well and how this secret source of free energy will soon be re-discovered by the new apprentices from all over the Galaxies, but most importantly, by the ones from the Oath of the Owls, within planet of Marsoom ,,, and how this energy will heal the entire Cosmos ... but first there will be some karmic responses of the entire Universe will need to happen in order for the new direction of the entire self-healing system to be established.

They've been listening to Jedi LukArt's stories and after a few hours they've decided to return through the same Portal, back in the desert of Namib ...

Jedi LukArt was guiding them to the Portal and they've received the proposal to become the new apprentices of the Oath of Olws from the Marsoom planet and co-work with Jedi LukArt for the Future ...

Shaggy and Scooby Doo accepted this awesome proposal ...

They were accompanied by Jedi LukArt and they've returned to Namib, remaining that on every New Moon phase, they must return to Marsoom for their initiations inside the Owls Oath and the study of the secret everlasting source of energy, named Vibranium ...

While being gone through the Portal, when they've returned, they've thought they've been out from this dimension for at least 9 hours .... when in fact, they were only for 9 minutes ...

What an awesome adventure ...

New stories from these adventures will appear soon ...

Hope you've enjoyed my artistic encrypted stories under the source of creativity of the everlasting ... vibranium


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Yeap i enjoyed your artistic encrypted stories while i was reading.its totally a new for me.thanks for bringing such article.keep writing more.

$ 0.00
3 years ago