I got some pointers (or hints) for those aspiring people who want to become a web developer.
First, you must learn the basics. You should know by now what I am referring to. If you still don't, please rethink if you really want to walk on this path or just do a quick google search. Solid knowledge of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript would great. It might also open a new world for you and may have a lot to choose from as your carrier path.
Second, evaluate yourself and do some research about programming languages. You need to evaluate yourself first if you are ready to go to the next step. If you're confident enough to move forward, then you should. The programming language you want to use entirely depends on you. There's a lot to choose from. You can use a PHP framework that has a low learning curve that you can easily learn or a JavaScript framework that you've heard or read somewhere. It is entirely up to you. After deciding a programming language that you want to use, broaden your knowledge about it, and learn the ups and downs. Also, just a reminder, you cannot learn everything at once, keep it at your own pace.
Lastly, get your hands dirty. Even if you read a whole book or PDF of a programming language if you won't put it to practice, it's pretty useless.
Learn. Practice. Build something awesome.
PS: This is my first time writing an article, so pardon my grammar. And I really tried to make it short (just a few minutes read). Thank You for your support.
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Web developers are found working in various types of organizations, including large corporations and governments, small and medium-sized companies, or alone as freelancers. Some web developers work for one organization as a permanent full-time employee, while others may work as independent consultants, or as contractors for an agency or at home personal use. Web developers typically handle both server-side and front-end logic. This usually involves implementing all the visual elements that users see and use in the web applications or use, as well as all the web services that are necessary to power the usage of their developing work. Salaries vary depending on the type of development work, location, and level of seniority.