Do people die from snake bites?

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3 years ago

Assalamualaikum how are you all friends. Alhamdulillah I am fine. Today I have brought before you Ikramul with an animal feature. Most people are scared of snakes. Snakes are the name of a symbol of terror to human beings. Snakes are found on all continents except Antarctica. Although different species of snakes live in both water and land, they are more common on land. There seems to be no end to the curiosity of people towards this tall reptile without arms and legs. There are many myths or stories about this animal in our country. Especially in the villages there are many superstitions prevalent. Many people have a question in mind- do people actually die from snake bites? In this case, snake experts and doctors say, people do not die just by being bitten by a snake. It depends on what type of snake has bitten and on the physical constitution of the patient. Snakes can be divided into three groups on the basis of venom. These are non-venomous or non-venomous snakes, mildly venomous snakes and venomous or deadly venomous snakes. Experts say that a snake bite and how the patient is treated will depend on how quickly the patient recovers, or if he is maimed or dies. Adnan Azad Asif, a wildlife researcher who has worked with snakes and crocodiles for a long time, told Bangladesh Pratidin that there are about 70 species of snakes in Bangladesh. Most of these snakes are non-venomous. Less than 10 percent of the venomous snake species. He said that most of the people who die of snake bites in the country every year die of heart attacks due to panic attacks. This is unexpected. Poisonous snake bites require antidote. However, if the venomous snake bites repeatedly and the patient's physique is weak, he may have some problems. People do not die from the bite of a venomous or mildly poisonous snake. So if someone is bitten by a poisonous snake, he must immediately take antidote as advised by the doctor. He said there are three species of cobras in the country. They usually do not like to waste poison in case of stinging. About 50 percent of their stings are non-toxic. If they think it is harmful for them, they pour out the whole poison while biting. However, in this case, the exact opposite is common crate or kalach. They are silent killers. They pour 100 percent poison in each bite. Chittagong Medical College doctor working with snake bite patients. Sakit Mahmud said that the venom sac is inside the mouth of the snake along the eyes and a little behind on both sides of the upper jaw. This venom is a metamorphic salivary gland. The venom produced by various processes in the body of the snake is basically a type of converted saliva which is stored in this gland. Toxins from these glands enter their tiny teeth through the delicate ducts. A pair of venomous snake teeth is much like an injection syringe with which they inject venom. The whole process of applying the poison sometimes takes less than a second.

He added that the toxins in snake venom can infect the body in a number of ways. There are four main issues. These are hemotoxins, neurotoxins, cardiotoxins and cytotoxins. Hemotoxins damage the various organs by dividing red blood cells or by interfering with the normal flow of blood by uncontrolled and abnormal coagulation in the blood. Usually venomous snakes of the viper species spread such venom.

Neurotoxins can paralyze various organs, including muscles. It does this by attacking the joints of nerves and muscles in various ways. This is usually the case with the bites of venomous snakes such as cobras, coyotes, Russell vipers, rattlesnakes, and so on. The main cause of neurotoxins is that they can cause death by crippling the muscles used in breathing. Cardiotoxins are directly capable of causing human death by shutting down the heart. And cytotoxin is able to cause swelling in the affected area, damage to various organs including muscle decay and even kidney failure. Dr. Sakit Mahmud said that all animals have their own immune system to get rid of various germs / toxins / antigens that enter the body of the animal. When a disease germ enters our body from outside, the body makes its own antibodies. But sad but true; When snake venom enters the body, the human body does not have the ability to neutralize it. It is then necessary to inject serum rich in toxin neutralizer antibodies into the human body from outside. When this antisnake venom serum enters the human body, the level of antibodies present in the blood increases excessively and is able to neutralize snake venom.

Meanwhile, in the case of the bite of non-venomous or mildly poisonous snakes, he said, the amount of non-venomous or mildly venomous snakes in the world is more. Most of them belong to the Colubrid family. Their stings do not cause any special problems except burning and swelling in the wound. However, the bite of a non-venomous or mildly venomous snake can also lead to sudden cardiac arrest and death due to panic attacks in people with a weak heart or who already have heart disease. If you like my post, don't forget to like and comment

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