See You Soon, Europe!

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Avatar for Eirolfeam2
3 months ago

Hi, guys! How has life been lately?

As for me, I've been very busy, especially these past couple of weeks, and now I'm writing this short update about my life that nobody asked for because why not? This platform has been my trusted online diary for a few years since I joined and created my account, so I guess, it is not too much to share some big milestones that have been happening in my life lately.

Almost 3 months ago, I wrote a short article here detailing my dilemma about which opportunity should I pursue. It is whether to continue my study plans in Poland and take up my Master's in Business Management there. Or if I should choose the more practical route and seize the chance to live in the Netherlands through a cultural exchange program.

And I have finally made up my mind about which one to pursue, and that is to live in the Netherlands through the program, which will allow me to stay there for 1 year.

Actually, it wasn't me, but I feel like the universe or fate itself decided which path I should take. Because earlier this year, I told myself that I would move to Europe no matter how long or how much it takes. So whichever opportunity allows me to move there as soon as possible, that's what I will choose, and now, it's finally happening.

As I've shared before, I went on a 2-week vacation in Panglao Island in Bohol last March, and that was when everything fell down into place.

And just yesterday, I went to Makati City to pick up my passport with the visa sticker at the VFS Global Center.

I'm not yet going to fly because I have to attend the Country Familiarization Seminar that is mandated by the Commission on Filipinos Overseas first and get my physical contract to be allowed to travel abroad.

However, my tentative arrival in the Netherlands is on June 22, so hopefully, everything will be done on time. And hopefully, the next time I'm going to write a short article here is when I'm already in Europe. Manifesting it! ✨🧿

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Avatar for Eirolfeam2
3 months ago


Congrats Florie! That's real manifesting. Manifesting with efforts and making things happen :)

$ 0.00
3 months ago

Thank you po! 5 years in the making to 😂

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3 months ago