With all of the Science and Technology inventions being invented every day, it is just right to think about the weird but possible inventions that might be invented in the years to come, say 1 century from now and that is in the year 2120.
One of the tasks given to us in my Science, Technology, and Society subject in college was to think outside of the box, and to answer the question, "What are the 10 possible inventions that might be invented after 100 years?
We all know that what we humans think is impossible can be made possible with Science and Technology. Scientists nowadays are very eager to come up with inventions that will answer questions and give solutions to the problems that we face every day. And because of that, I came out with these 10 ideas.
The 10 Possible Science Inventions After 1 Century:
1. The Undying Capsule
In the next 100 years, when an undying capsule will be invented, human beings will not be capable of dying when they take in this capsule. They just have to drink it like medicine. Hence, humans will become immortals. People who will want to take in this capsule are afraid to die or don't want to leave everyone and everything they have on Earth. But having this invention, people will be left with a question, "Is it worth it to live if all your loved ones are dying?"
2. The 2-in-1 Food Supplement
This supplement is effective to remove toxins from the body because of its concentrated sources of nutrients or other substances with nutritional or physiological effects in a form of a capsule. This would require daily intake since this will replace your common food that can be shared as a meal. You will not need to consume what you’re usually eating as of today, because this capsule will be a replacement for ordinary food we eat.
3. The X-Ray Contact Lense
This invention is to scan the body organs inside the body without having to stand in front of the ordinary X-ray machine. This can help to diagnose, monitor, and treat many medical conditions. Unlike the ordinary x-ray, this lens is easy to operate and prepare without difficult procedures, because you will just need to use it as a contact lens.
4. The Anti-Aging Cream
There is a lot of anti-aging creams that we can buy in the market today. But these creams can only be effective within 24 hours, and you need to apply them every day. However, this anti-aging cream that will be invented is a revolutionary cream that literally makes your skin 20 years younger. When you apply this to your face and body, it will help prevent the formation of wrinkles and smoothens skin’s surface for a smoother, younger complexion.
5. The Money Capsule
This is an extraordinary invention that gives you money instantly in just a matter of time. This capsule needs to be taken daily. Then once the capsule is dissolved, the money will be acquired through your bowel movement. Would you dare to take it?
6. The 3-in-1 Injection
As the threat of HIV/AIDS and cancer persist to rise, this injection would finally eradicate and treat the infected people to prevent this illness from further spreading. This invention will be an answer to all of the incurable diseases.
7. The Healing Wound Spray
This invention is not your ordinary spray. This spray will be used to heal the wounds instantly. This could be used for healing cuts, abrasions, first, minor, and second-degree burns, and chronic wounds.
8. The Future-Visualising Chip
This microchip needs to be inserted inside the head for you to see or visualize the succeeding untoward illnesses and accidents for prevention.
9. The Test Tube Baby
This invention is the product of a successful human reproduction
that results from methods beyond sexual intercourse, instead, it utilizes medical intervention that manipulates both egg and sperm cells for successful fertilization. This test tube requires only an egg cell and it generates sperm cells on its own.
10. The DDI Organ Transplant
This process will solve the lacking of human organs used in operations
and surgeries in hospitals. Instead of using natural human organs in the next 100 years, doctors and scientists will use artificial organs so that it will be readily available when a patient needs an organ transplant.
These weird yet possible inventions just came out of our minds, because our professor wanted something extraordinary and impossible, but through Science and Technology, anything would be possible.
After 100 years, we are no longer here on Earth, and we will have no idea about the inventions that will be invented in those years. But if any of these inventions will come to life, what do you think will happen to the world and human beings?
Will people be able to live a Good Life?
If ever na lahat to maimbento, inde lahat makakaavail, only those who have means to have these will benefit. Sana kung mainvent talaga, lahat makakakuha specially yung healing wound spray and 3in1 injection.