Borris Johnson got drunk

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Written by
2 years ago

I've tried so hard to understand the drama going on in the UK right now between the prime Minister Borris Johnson, the parliament and the citizens, initially I didn't want to give a damn about it, after all I'm not from UK, but when I started hearing different versions of the story I developed interest the more.

I am going to try my best not to speak ill of anyone or insult people though it's very hard to do but I'll try my best. I won't be suprised if this is the first time you're seeing this story, I won't blame you because you're not a citizen of that country, every country has their problems and cases to settle at all times that they don't think of other countries.

Incase you didn't know, let me try and bring you up to speed on that Borris Johnson story. I consider this story worthy of being shared here because it's not just about politics or the UK parliament and the citizens, there are a lot of lessons to learn from this story. Borris Johnson as we all know is the prime minister of the United Kingdom, people respect him a lot because he's believed to be a good man, a disciplinarian and man of his words

Borris Johnson disappointed his people the night he decided to go against all the rules he made for the common citizens, he tried to deny it initially but when the pressure got too much and more people testified that he was seen partying on the eve of the queen's husband's burial. All these happened during the heat of the pandemic and lock down, Borris Johnson was caught drinking alcohol and merrying with friends at a party.

This attitude has triggered anger among UK citizens and infact from different people all over the world, his crime wouldn't have been so heinous if he was just one of the UK citizens after all people party and drink alcohol with friends all the time. But his case became different, infact, betrayal because he is a prime minister and chief custodian of the laws of the land, going against the rules he made is the height of betrayal and indiscipline.

A lot of people feel heartbroken especially those that were not allowed to see their sick loved ones for the last time before they died, people were denied their freedom of association and other necessities just for the law maker to break the same laws he forced the people to obey, Mr Johnson has since apologized for his actions but the people want more than that, they want him to resign. Sympathizers keep increasing and if something is not done, we might soon see a protest in the streets calling for his resignation.

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Written by
2 years ago


From the outside it may not seem like it. But Boris Johnson is not as well loved as you might be told. His approval ratings are at an all time low, and he has only just survived a vote of no confidence from his own party.

There are many reasons why we don't particularly like him:

  • He Lies. Like all the time. He lied about the parties in downing street, even when the photos of him at those parties came out
  • He only cares about himself. He has thrown loyal staff 'under the bus' to save his own skin
  • He breaks the law (Partygate, NI protocol)
  • His government wants to deport all refugees to Rwanda
  • His government has made it almost* illegal to protest
  • He failed to take swift action at the beginning of the pandemic to save lives
  • He takes bribes (a party donor paid to refurbish his flat)
  • He's dragging a sleepwalking Britain into fascism (And I don't say that out of disrespect, the signs are all there.

And many many more reasons. We want to be rid of him and his party of criminals

$ 0.00
2 years ago

The funny thing is that I've been following their news lately but I don't know how I must have missed this interesting topic tho

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2 years ago

Politicians, vios, the wealthy worldwide celebrate, invite hundreds of people to their birthday party and most of them travel with private jets and never had that jab. Bo-Jo is one of them, Fauci, Biden and his staff, the royal families and so on. It's not worth mentioning. I doubt people ever trusted him.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

It's obvious that the laws they make are for certain group of people. When they make laws they exempt themselves and their close allies, this is one of the problems with the politicians that I don't like. They're re good at making laws that they can't obey. Pathetic

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2 years ago