Tips from the Bible: 1 kings 5:8

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4 years ago

Kings is comprised of the history of the Jewish people from the death of David and the accession of Solomon to the defeat of Judah before the armies of Nebuchadnezzar in 586 B.C. The both books of Kings showed us the good and bad kings of Israel, from Josiah who honored God to Jeroboam who was extremely unfaithful to God. One of the central themes of Kings was the construction of the most iconic temple of the Lord by King Solomon with assistance from Hiram who was the king of Tyre. Solomon went renegade at a point in his life and had relations with a thousand women, the exact tally standing at 700 wives and 300 concubines.

At this point, he began to do things that did not put him in God's favor. Solomon began to build shrines for the different gods of his wives. God dislike what Solomon did and God was very angry with Solomon. But further in the book of kings those shrine were destroyed by Josiah and other men of God. Solomon built a temple for the worship of God in heaven.

From the verse in question, we see that Hiram sent a message acknowledging the message and assuring his assistance of the project by supplying cedar and cypress. This chapter of Kings is talking about the relationship between King Hiram and the king of Israel. When David was alive, King Hiram liked him, so he sent his greetings when he learned David's son had become King. The latter replied this warm greeting with a proposal for Hiram's aid in building God's temple. David, the former king of Israel was not able to build a temple for God because of all the wars Israel encountered when he was King. So the king of Tyre agreed to help him in the construction of the temple by giving him the materials he needed. Hiram delivered as he promised, sending as much of the promised goods as was required.

In return for King Hiram's kindness the king of Israel sent him an annual payment of over a thousand wheat bushels and several gallons of oil yearly, which was an expensive payment as of that time. Hiram and the king of Israel became good friends and there was peace. The passage explains to us that king David was not able to build any temple for God. So, the King of Israel asked for Hiram's assistance and Hiram offered Him help and they built the temple successfully. In the building process the King employed thousands of laborers from all over the country. The king also had more than a thousand additional laborers, more than a thousand stone cutters in the hill country and Thirty three hundred foremen. God blessed the king with wisdom and excellence.

This is the story of how the son of David built a place for the worship of Jehovah with the help of King Hiram of Tyre. It shows us that when we embark on projects that benefit God's cause, he showers us with help and favor from unexpected sources.

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