The Link between Anger and Revenge

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2 years ago

The only thing that could oppose the work joyfulness and happiness has done is Anger and Revenge. The simple truth about revenge is that it is sweeter than happiness and joy at the same time. We all have had one or more reasons to be angry at someone and have planned a way to revenge that person. Many people here have also not just planned but had their revenge but let me sound it to you that if you do that you are going to spoil your mood. I am not going to force you to be a Christian but I will ask you to please forgive anyone that has offended you in any way. The person that you have taken as your enemy might even be someone that had his or her revenge on you but please forgive that person that is the first step to obtaining peace even before simple dialogue. 

The same thing also goes for individuals and a nation at large. In illustration I will say that if China has done something very bad to America or Asia has done something very bad to Africa. They all should forgive themselves in order to obtain and alleviate peaceful co-existence on earth. But let me say something very clear; there is nothing like true peace in the world. No jokes this is no movie or anime like Naruto where all the present Kages joined forces to obtain peace and fight evil together. This is how the world is meant to be. There is no changing of that fact so please bear it in mind. But I truly believe if we can be able to chase away anger and revenger from our hearts peace can be obtained. In the nation criteria the problem is that every nation wants to be higher than the other that is why peace cannot be obtained and revenge and anger will fuel into the hats of many. It is a simple truth we have to bear in mind.

There is no need to start giving definitions of anger and revenge. Even from the name you should know that the both are connected in a way. Simply put anger leads to revenge and revenge gradually swerves away from good feeling to regret. After having revenge on someone regret becomes inevitable even though it doesn’t occur early, it must occur one day that is a simple truth. Well I came to know that after watching Naruto. I know many of us will know what I am saying or where I am going. Sasuke in the anime was filled with anger and hatred for his brother, Itachi, after he had killed the entire Uchiha Clan and after that Sasuke killed Itachi not knowing that Itachi was only trying to protect him. To cut the long story short, Sasuke after hearing the truth began to weep and lament which made him regret his actions. That’s the end of that chapter.

You see from that simple illustration we were able to find out how revenge leads to regret. Now let me give some definitions. Anger is a strong feeling of grievance and displeasure. Revenge is something done to get even with somebody else who has caused harm. You see that is the thing when someone has done something bad to you, you would love to come back at the person at a very high frequency in order to cause him or her much pain that is equal to the one he or she did to you. But wicked people will want to come at a higher frequency in order to make you pay greatly. Which results in some of them carry gun to kill people and all that inhuman stuff.

Regret is to feel sorry and sad about something previously done or said that now appears wrong, mistaken, or hurtful to others. You see that now appears wrong and hurtful so as in the time of sasuke. You will only live to regret revenge. Please do not forget the saying “Two wrongs do not make a right”. After doing back the wrong thing that doesn’t make you right but it actually makes you stupid. I know in the readers mind they will say “this guy has not been in the revenge position before”. Let me tell you that I have been there and I laughed and laughed and laughed but I regretted it and later the person I revenged on was my sit mate in an exam hall. Then the drama started; I almost punched that person in the exam hall. I was lucky to have someone that cared about me siting close. So please avoid anger and revenge in order to veer of the site of regret. Regret is more painful than the death of a loved one truly. Thanks for reading.

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