My Magic Word

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2 years ago
Topics: Writing

Many people take the magic word as Please but that is just bullshit. Left to me I believe the magic word is a combination of Please and Sorry. In conjunction and togetherness I would say that the magic work is no other than “Please I am Sorry”. It is pretty hilarious but it is a serious fact that can’t be avoided. Come over to Africa you will see people say “that is nonsensical please never does anything but cause pain they also say the same thing for sorry but let me tell you, when one joins the two of them together you will notice that its effect is very glorious and can change a lot of thing.

Let me tell you a simple truth from my life; when I was little not that little but somehow below my age now. I hate to say Sorry and Thank you. In fact up till now it takes me time to remember that I have to say thank you after someone has given me something. I remember when my sister always has to remind me to tell her thank you after she gives me something. She would say “what do you say” and I’ll say thank you. But before I say that thank you I will give her a sinister look just as if I want to give her a dirty punch. It is not that I do not want to say thank you but it is the fact that I don’t feel like it or that I am not too familiar with the world. Most people say I am ungrateful but I do not give a fuck what they thought about me. I just stayed on my own with my ungratefulness.

Now I have grown up to be a grateful person although people still say I am ungrateful. I say thank you anytime I am given something and people love me because I am fun and lively. Anyone who doesn’t like me I forgive them and flow with them at least for peace to reign and to avoid world war three (3). Well that was just a glimpse into my life story. That was just to teach you some good values you could uphold and take as a habit. So back to my topic “Please I am sorry”. I will tell you the reason why I joined them together in unison and I will also tell you the effects of those words; “Please and Sorry”. 

Picture yourself in this position. You were walking by and someone running hit you, hissed and walked by. Tell me the truth in the comment section, Will you take It? To God even though you are older than me or you were my senior that day I would disgrace you in a way will be son annoying and take you to the highest point of vexation. It is a promise that we will fight that day. In the comment section I want to see your immediate reaction to that. Now picture yourself as the person who bumped in to the other person. If you were the one what will you do. As good people with a cultured mind, not only cultured but Christian mind you will tell that person “Please I am sorry”. 

Let me explain something mind blowing to you. Saying sorry sometimes can come in different tones. If you are walking and you are in a fast mode there is no way you are going to say Sorry in a mild mode, of course is going to be harsh no matter what. The person you bumped into would be startled at that kind of harsh tone and still react like someone that didn’t hear anything at all. But if you developed the culture of saying “Please I am sorry” the tone will reduce. It fills the mouth up to the extent that a man with harsh voice will talk like a baby. From there peace will reign but if you just say sorry, I am sorry to say that you will pay for it dearly. Now it was from this illustration that I came into conclusion about the magic word. From this illustration I hope we have learnt something because I took my time to explain everything vividly to everybody.

Now let us deal with the effects of “Please I am Sorry”. It accelerates the rate of friendship in the society. Once one learns how to say My Magic Word it tends to join and bring people together who possess the same theory and make them intimately connected to each other. In economic terms it reduces crime rate in the society. Once My theory is adopted crime rate will reduce in the society and peace co-existence will be achieved.

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2 years ago
Topics: Writing
