Belong Somewhere

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2 years ago
Topics: Faith, Thoughts

It is very funny to see someone who lives a normal life does not give regard to anything. The person just goes around gallivanting, playing and viewing everywhere and that person never thought of; how did I come into existence? Was I made by some supreme being as they say? How did the world start? How do I do all this locomotive actions I do? Where really did we come from? Who made me in to this form I am now? How did animals, birds insect come about? How did food and fruits come about? Only foolish people will pass through this world without asking themselves such question. Well not everyone is born autistic or a lunatic so I don’t think there is anybody like that. What am I trying to say? It is better to belong somewhere. You can crack this code without me expatiating or explaining the matter further.

I am talking about “Religion Religion Religion”. See I can’t force you but I can beg you in to having a belief in something or someone. Everyone must have these thoughts in any point in their life where they will say to themselves “Everybody must die one day so after I die what will happen to my body. According to biblical statements (that is messages from the bible) you will be told that after you die your body decays and you soul goes up to heaven. I have no information on the side of the Muslims and other traditional religions from different parts of the world. I am a Christian and that is why I told you what came from the Christian. Now I will tell you what I am trying to say.

I will not force you to become a Christian or t leave your religion to go to another one. I am trying to say that you should believe in something at least so that when you leave earth you will have something that can speak for you when the time comes. I am not a useless writer to say this but I will say that The Bible which comes and speaks for the Christians is the only book that gives vivid information of what happened in the beginning and we can see truths that came out and it turned out real. Many might say that “who told you that the Bible was not written by a man and that someone just forged something that looks real and is using it to deceive people’. The truth is that the Bible was written by men but no mere men they were tools in the hand of God. Given an illustration there were powerful men, people who could do miracles with the help of the Holy Spirit who is one with God. There they were archeological works going around before you were conceived that brought about the finding of the books and it was translated and broken down into languages in which people can understand. Up till now the most sold book in the world is the Bible. My friend @Knowhere will understand.

I have told you what I know from my religion about the afterlife now I want to hear from other religions about their truths of afterlife. I want to hear from the Muslims, Hindu and many other religions. Please do not get me wrong. I am not trying to insult all other religions or say that they are not real I am just trying to give you know of my own. My other aim or objective is to encourage people to at least believe in something that will speak for them in the future or later on after death. I my religion there is something called Soul winning. This is an action taken by the followers of Jesus Christ to go to those who have no belief in anything or those who belief in something else that we or they think is not the right. I am a Christian and I have experience miracles upon miracles that happen in the church. So I am inviting you to belief in Christ, He is the savior. I am not forcing you please I am telling you. This is my own form of spreading the word of God, through my pen.

I am telling you that this is the best option one can ever choose in his or her life. I am saying because I have seen and experienced the works of Christ in the church. Diseases are chased away from the sick and other different supernatural things that happen. We also teach good values. We do not tell people to bring this animal so we can sacrifice it and your sins will be washed away. That was a fetish act done in the old days which has been abolished now your evil deed can be forgiven through the blood that was shed on the Cross of Calvary for Humanity. Do not get me wrong I do not force but I know I did my evangelistic work. Just belong somewhere and belong to someone. Good luck on your path or the journey you have decided to take. Tune in for more.

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2 years ago
Topics: Faith, Thoughts
