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3 years ago

Introduction :

The wonderful discovery of modern science is the computer. ‘Computer’ is an English word. This means instrument calculator. The computer is good at addition-subtraction multiplication and division. But its work is not limited to calculations. The device has an amazing ability to analyze and compare data and make decisions. Computers are much more advanced and more advanced than humans in terms of speed, accuracy and reliability. So at the end of the twentieth century the computer has taken a special place almost everywhere in the house, in the office, in the bank, in the educational institution, on the plane, in the newspaper, in the factory.

The Invention Of The Computer :

Computer was not invented over night. It took long time and hard labour to invent computer. Many votaries of science worked hard. Thus, computer is the result of hard labour of many votaries of science. The father of modern computers was the British mathematician Charles Babbage. The achievement of discovering the structure of modern computer divided into five parts and its. Electronic automatic calculators were invented in 1952 according to the plans of American scientists. From 1954 to 1974, the work of making computers progressed step by step.

Structure And Classification :

If we look at the structure of the computer, we see two main aspects. One is its mechanical equipment and the other is its programming equipment. Computer equipment common name 'hardware'. Mechanical equipment includes the extrinsic part used for internal interaction memory. The name of the instructions to be given to the computer is 'Program'. The program is called 'software'. There are two types of computers according to the type of work or method: digital and analog. Computers can be divided into several parts according to the speed and nature of the work. Such as supercomputers, mainframe computers, mini computers and microcomputers.

Uses Of Computer :

Computers are opening new horizons in various fields of human life day by day. Computers are not just for business and accounting, computers are widely used for many purposes. It does a lot of people's work alone. It does everything in the right way and in the blink of an eye. Complex calculations are easily calculated with the help of computer. The state-of-the-art mills and nuclear reactors are being controlled by computers. Computers have ushered in a new era in medicine. With the help of this, the diagnosis has been opened in a wonderful and unimaginable direction. Moreover, the complex design of large multi-storey buildings, aircraft, submarines and other large works is being made through computers.

Computers control the traffic system of big cities. It is active in maintaining the communication system of air and rail and selling tickets. With the help of computer, it is now possible to complete the printing and printing of books and magazines on campus accurately and quickly. Computers play an important role in the preparation of test question papers, evaluation of answer sheets and in the preparation of results.

Also outstanding in the world of computer games. Various games including chess can be played on the computer. It includes various video games. They have already gained huge popularity. These include car games, war games, alien combat, water-jungle hunting, and more. There are various educational shelving games. Computers have also given the opportunity to learn typing through games.

Movies can be viewed on the computer, music can be heard, pictures can be scanned and saved. With the help of computer, one can communicate remotely through internet, through e-mail, one can read newspapers and magazines of the country and abroad. Information on any subject can be collected. Various information can be stored there. Computers also contribute a lot to education. From computers to history, geography, science and mathematics are all things that can be learned.

Computer And Unemployment Problems :

Computers have taken away a lot of people's work. As a result of many people working alone, computerized automated systems have been installed in various workplaces, including factories. As a result, employment is declining, unemployment is rising. So in a populous and developing country like ours, The use of computer should be planned keeping in view the multifaceted aspects and considering the economic savings. This needs to be addressed by creating diversified employment and increasing computer education opportunities.

Conclusion :

Computer is a wonderful invention of modern science. Science has discovered many wonders and computer is one of them. It is an ultra modern electronic device for storing and analysing information fed into it. It has no capacity to do anything by itself. It works on the basics of commands given by the operator. Although it makes people unemployed, its amazing performance has won people's hearts. Our country and so has welcomed computers. The day is not far off when most people will become computer dependent. In our country too, people's interest in computer is increasing day by day. People have become increasingly dependent on computers.

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3 years ago



$ 0.00
3 years ago

Yes It's very important for us we are nothing without it thanks for this

$ 0.00
3 years ago

You're always most welcome my dear sister. And you are absolutely right. Computer is essential for various purposes. It has made our everyday life easier and more comfortable.

$ 0.00
3 years ago