Coronavirus is increasing rapidly in many countries. The USA has by far the largest number of cases, with more tha 1 million confirmed as infections of Covid-19. The death tolls corona virus has reached to 248,423 people worldwide and 3,578,798 people being infected. Similarly, 1,158,826people have recovered after treatment.
Scientists are working day and night to find a cure for this epidemic. Meanwhile, scientists are telling various ways to avoid the epidemic of corona virus.
Recently, a health expert in Australia claimed that 10 minutes of sun exposure every day would reduce the incidence of corona virus.
According to skin cancer researcher Dr. Rachel Nelle, sunlight helps the skin get vidimin D and reduces infections.
Because of the lack of vitamin D in the body, various viruses attack. He said in an interview with the Australian magazine that the coronavirus infection was exacerbated by a lack of vitamin D in the body.
Therefore, it is necessary to take sunlight to avoid infection with corona virus, he said. According to another study, people with vitamin D deficiency are twice as likely to have a respiratory infection.
In such cases, the risk of corona increases. This is because the corona virus has a profound effect on the lungs.
This is being absolutely buried in MSM.