Endgame Hinted At Fat Thor Before The Avengers Killed Thanos The First Time

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Thor's physical transformation in Avengers: Endgame came as a surprise for many fans but the film already dropped clues about it early on.

Avengers: Endgame hinted about Thor's (Chris Hemsworth) physical transformation early on in the movie. Thanos (Josh Brolin) successfully wiping half of life in the universe at the end of Avengers:InfinityWar was a hard pill to swallow for the remaining heroes who survived the decimation. Not only did they fail in protecting the galaxy, but they also suffered major personal losses in their bout against the Mad Titan. While everyone struggled coming to terms with their defeat, no one was as miserable as the God of Thunder.

Each remaining hero coped with the snap in varying ways: Captain America (Chris Evans )tried moving on with his life; Black Widow (Scarlet Johansson) busied herself by manning the Avengers HQ; Iron Man (Robert Downey Jr.) checked out his superhero gig and focused on his family life; and Bruce Banner (Mark Ruffalo) worked to bring Smart Hulk to life. Thor, however, was the most unproductive of them all. He wallowed in his sadness, abandoned his responsibility as the king of Asgard, and badly let himself go. The hero gained so much weight during the fiveyear time jump before the Avengers reassembled for the time heist that he was basically unrecognizable.

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In hindsight, it's understandable why Thor took Thanos' win the hardest. He'd been struggling for an extended period of time starting in Thor: Ragnarok with Odin dying (Anthony Hopkins) and ending with the destruction of his home planet. At the beginning of Infinity War, Thanos and the Black Order murdered half of his people in front of him, including Loki (Tom Hiddleston) and Heimdall (Idris Elba). Finally and arguably his biggest regret of all, he then failed to stop the Mad Titan killing billions with the snap simply because he wanted to gloat at the villain. Things only got worse when they realized that they can't undo decimation because the Infinity Stones are gone, ultimately breaking Thor as it meant they he had no chance of making amends for his catastrophic mistake.

While the God of Thunder's physical transformation came as a shock, Endgame already dropped a clue about it early on before the movie's title card was revealed. After Iron Man's scathing speech about how Captain America refused to believe him when he proposed they'd be more prepared for another extra terrestrial attack, the remaining heroes discuss what they're next step would be. Captain Marvel's (Brie Larson) suggestion that they get Thanos was met with varying opinions from the group, but it's in Thor's reaction to the situation that his future is mapped.

While his fellow heroes discussed what was needed to be done, Thor silently sat in a corner, listening to the commotion. Crucially, the God of Thunder can also be seen munching on a bowl of bread with a can of beer in front of him. This hinted at his tendencies to use eating and drinking as coping mechanisms for his depression. At this point, Thor still hoped he'd get a chance to beat Thanos, that there could still be a way to fix the galaxy and he could make amends for his failure. Nonetheless, it's clear that he's pissed at Thanos and how he's able to sneakily accomplish the decimation right in front of him. Seeing him resort to carb-loading and alcohol drinking while the rest of the team was busy debating what they need to do next implies that he sought food for himself perhaps as a way to calm himself down. As comfort.

Admittedly, not everyone was thrilled with Fat Thor in Avengers: Endgame. Some found it insensitive for people who are dealing with weight issues and depression. It's curious whether or not his current physical state will be maintained in Thor: Love and Thunder, but Marvel Studios has the chance to address those criticisms and justify their creative decision in the Taika Waititi film.


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