24hrs with MOSDEX: Daily MOSDEX earning report.

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1 year ago

Alright, guys, this one will (unfortunately) sound like those magical DIY videos on YouTube. Hopefully it doesn’t read as if I’m screaming at top of my voice, like a random BitBoy. It’s the last day of 2022 and to make it even more exciting, I will be devoting my free time to watch my rewards on MOSDEX’s arbitrage income platform. A couple of cool articles about MOSDEX, this is a good one.

Without further ado (read this like an Indian YouTuber) let’s get to it! So, I’ll be presenting screenshots of my staking rewards dashboard every 6 hours interval and reviewing the profit…or loss.

First, I claimed my accrued rewards at 8:30 am (GMT +1), my rewards resets to Zeros, and then, we start counting! The trading Bot’s profitability at the start time is 77%, and my staked value is 10,000 USDT or just about 0.6BTC

Bonus: I swapped some of my rewards to BTC using the MOSDEX swap facility.

First six hours

Checking again after the first 6 hours, it’s 2:30 Pm and the bot’s profitability has gone down to just over 45%, however, my USDT reward has grown to 14$ a net gain of 14 USDT in 6hrs. I’ll leave the rewards unclaimed and check back in the next 6hrs (8:30 pm)

Second six hours

The arbitrage bot’s trade success rate crashed further to just 17%, however, my accrued profit has risen to over $29. Total profit in the past 12hrs is $29. With a previous value of $14, the net gain for the second 6hrs interval is $15. The rewards are claimable right away, but I’ll leave them unclaimed and see how far they grow in the next 6hrs.

Third six hours

In the first two six hours, my account gained $29 from a $10,000 stake. Really impressive considering how low the trade success has been. For, the third 6hrs; it’s 2:30 am, January 1, 2023. I’ve just finished lighting the new year’s fireworks!

Checking on my MOSDEX account, the bot’s trade success has slightly increased to 25%. Accrued profits have also risen to $44. We are averaging almost $15 every 6hrs amidst a shaky trade success. While this is impressive, it is cool to know that higher profits will be earned when the bot completes more trades successfully.

Next up, we leave the profit unclaimed for the final 6hrs!

Final six hours

For the final 6hrs, we take a look at the profits accrued again. It’s 8:30 on the clock and the total profits have risen to almost $58. 24hrs bot trade success has almost doubled and the total gain on a $10,000 stake for 24hrs is $58.

This marks the end of the experiments and I’ll proceed to claim the earned amount to my account.


A total of $58 in 24hrs for a $10,000 stake. An average of $2.4 per hour. MOSDEX’s passive income tool is quite an impressive one. I’d personally say that the bit has been on top of its game for the past couple of months, the project team claims to be adding more enhancements to the bot and that clearly shows. Do note that the profitability in constant variation and returns might differ.

Note that my assets are staked using the 90days plan which has the highest return, choosing a different plan might also return a different yield.

Want to try out MOSDEX? MOSDEX gives you a 30 USDT bonus when you sign up and complete your profile. You can start your passive income experience using the sign-up bonus and scale up your earnings by compounding them.

Good luck and Happy new year!

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1 year ago
