Tobacco causes cancer

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After decades of questioning the findings of several medical officials, Philip Morris, America's largest cigarette maker, now realizes that smoking causes lung cancer and other deadly diseases. A company press release said: "There is overwhelming medical and scientific consensus that smoking causes lung cancer, heart disease, emphysema and other serious illnesses in smokers." The New York Times notes that “The company had previously spoken of this. . . that smoking was a "risk factor" or "causal factor" in diseases like lung cancer, not that it caused the diseases. Cigarettes and the advertising campaigns that have supported them over the years. ""

Landmarks that are disappearing

Grain elevators are slowly disappearing from the prairies of western Canada. The maximum number of grain elevators was reached in 1933 when there were 5,758 in the field. Since then, the number has dropped to 1,052. The reason? One person who witnessed the demolition of a grain elevator complained, “Times have changed a lot. Agriculture today is an agribusiness. The family farm dies. The same goes for elevators. "Prairies without elevators would be a bit like Venice without canals, New York without skyscrapers or Great Britain without pubs," reports Harrowsmith Country Life magazine. Special interest groups are working to preserve what is considered an architectural symbol of the Canadian level. One grain silo has become a museum and another has become a dining room.

There is never enough time

Across Europe, more and more people feel under time pressure, reports the German newspaper Gießener Allgemeine. The same applies when people work outside the home, do housework or enjoy free time. "People sleep less, eat faster and feel at work faster than they did 40 years ago," explains sociologist Manfred Garhammer from the University of Bamberg. He found that everyday life was accelerating in all of the European countries he studied. Household appliances that save work and shorten the working day have produced neither a “leisure society” nor a “temporal prosperity”. On the other hand, the duration of meals was reduced by an average of 20 minutes and that of night rest by 40 minutes.

Australia gambling addiction

"Gambling is a serious health problem in Australia today, directly affecting at least 330,000 chronic gamblers," reports The Australian. According to the document, more than one in five electronic slot machines worldwide is located in Australia, where 82% of the adult population play. A commission of inquiry into the Australian gambling industry found that 2.3% of Australian adults had a serious problem with gambling. Of these, 37% had considered suicide, and more than 11% had attempted suicide. Committed suicide and 90% said they were seriously depressed because of gambling. The Commission requested a review of the gambling operations and proposed that notices be posted in the arcades.

Fight against stress

Are you feeling stressed? As noted in El Universal, the Mexican Social Security Institute suggests the following guidelines to help combat stress. Get as much sleep as your body needs six to ten hours a day. Eat a large, balanced breakfast, a medium-sized dinner, and a light dinner. In addition, experts strongly recommend that you eat less high-fat foods, eat less salt, and eat less milk and sugar after 40 years. Try to find time for calm meditation. Reduce stress even more by staying in touch with nature.

Poisonous beauty

A cosmetic procedure that injects the deadly botulinum toxin is now being used to remove facial wrinkles, reports the Toronto Star. The toxin paralyzes certain facial muscles, which lose tone and flatten wrinkles in a few days. The treatment lasts about four months and makes the patient look more relaxed and youthful. However, a toll will be charged. The report warns that "users lose wrinkles, but they also lose the ability to surprisingly raise their eyebrows, smile, and frown". It's about being ready to "paralyze parts of your face with the beauty of youth," the newspaper said.

"Whose side is God on?"

"I don't want to belittle anyone's beliefs," writes sports columnist Sam Smith, "but hasn't this public demonstration of compassion in sport gone far enough?" Why do soccer players pray after a [touchdown]? "You can also see the same players crouching in prayer after a game in the locker room" curses reporters "or tries to injure players during the heat of a sports competition," Smith noted. When he thinks of God, he prefers one team to another "it seems to worsen faith in God," he says, so he closes his article: "We will not do more sports than we do".

Dangerous jobs

What are the ten most dangerous jobs? According to the U.S. Department of Labor Statistics, loggers topped the list with nearly 129 deaths per 100,000 workers, while fishermen and sailors followed closely with 123 and 94 deaths, respectively. each per 100,000 workers. In descending order, the other occupations at risk are pilots, metallurgists, miners, construction workers, taxi drivers, truck drivers, and farmers. "However, the total number of fatal accidents in the workplace, 4.7 per 100,000 employees, has decreased by about 10 percent over the past five years," reports Scientific American.

Wise birds!

“Calcutta sparrows avoid malaria,” reports the French nature magazine Terre Sauvage. Experts found that as malaria rises, sparrows will continue to fly in search of the leaves of a tree known for its high levels of natural quinine, a medicine used to treat malaria. The birds not only use the leaves to line the nests, but also apparently eat them. "The sparrows, city lovers and fear of malaria, seem to have found a way to protect themselves," notes the magazine.

Dirty money

More than 99% of London banknotes are contaminated with cocaine, reports The Guardian newspaper. Experts tested 500 notes and found that 496 contained traces of the drug. Contamination begins when drug addicts manipulate notes. These banknotes in turn contaminate other coins when classified at ATMs or stored together. Cocaine is the UK's fastest growing recreational drug among 20 to 24 year olds. According to the London-based Youth Awareness Project, teenagers use cocaine because they believe it improves their reputation and increases their power.

"Most common blood infection"

"At least 2.7 million Americans have the hepatitis C virus, making it the most common blood infection in the United States," said an Associated Press report. Hepatitis C is mainly transmitted from person to person through sexual contact or infected blood. Most at risk are intravenous drug users who share needles and people who have unprotected sex. However, the infection can also be transmitted from tattoo artists and acupuncturists who do not properly clean their devices. People who have received blood transfusions are also at risk. Every year in the US, approximately 1,000 people receive liver transplants as a result of liver failure caused by the virus.

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