Smart Phone Addiction : modifying phone use

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3 years ago

For most people, it's not a case of leaving cold turkey to have leverage over their mobile and Internet use. Think more of it like being on a diet. You probably will need to use your phone for work, school or to keep in contact with friends, just as you still need to feed. Your goal should be to cut back to healthier consumption levels.

  • Set targets on when your smartphone should be used. You could plan usage for certain times of day, for example, or you could reward yourself with a certain amount of time on your phone until, for example, you have completed a homework assignment or completed a chore.

  • At certain times of the day, switching off your phone, such as when you're driving, meeting, at the gym, having dinner, or playing with your baby. Don't take the phone to the toilet with you.

  • Don't go to bed with your phone or tablet. If used within two hours of bedtime, the blue light emitted by the displays will disturb your sleep. Turn the devices off and leave them to charge overnight in another room. Pick up a book instead of reading eBooks in the evening on your phone or tablet. Not only are you going to sleep better, but research suggests that you can recall more of what you have read, too.

  • Replace the use of smartphones with healthier operations. Resisting the temptation to use your mobile can be very difficult if you are bored and lonely. Have a strategy to fill the time in other ways, such as meditating, reading a book, or talking in person with friends.

  • Play the game with "phone stack." Spending time with those addicted to smartphones? Play the game with "phone stack." Have everyone put their smartphones face down on the table when you have lunch, dinner or drinks together. No one is permitted to snatch their gadget even as the phones buzz and beep. If someone can't stop checking their phone, for everybody, that person has to pick up the check.

  • Delete your phone's social media applications so that you can just search your device for Facebook, Twitter and the like. And remember: what you see from people on social media is rarely an accurate representation of their lives, exaggerating the good aspects of their lives, skipping over the doubts and disappointments we all face. It will help improve your mood and sense of self-worth to spend less time comparing yourself unfavorably to these stylized representations.

  • Tests for limits. Wean yourself off by restricting your scans to once every 15 minutes if you compulsively check your phone every few minutes. Once every thirty minutes, then once every hour. There are applications that will automatically restrict when you are able to access your phone if you need assistance.

  • Curb the fear of having to miss out. Accept that you're probably going to miss out on those invites, breaking news, or new gossip by restricting your smartphone use. There's so much material on the site that it's almost difficult to keep on top of it all, anyway. It can be liberating to accept this and help break your dependency on technology.

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Written by
3 years ago


Been a phone addicted person before. What I did was uninstalled all my social media. And it worked!

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3 years ago

Is it called phone addiciton if im doing my work using a phone?

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3 years ago