Important study tips to memorize and remember organic chemistry easily.

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3 years ago

Each year thousands of students enter organic chemistry classroom with fears about what is called by some ,"The Impossible Subject". Indeed, Organic chemistry can be very difficult, but it is manageable. It can also be very rewarding. Here I offer you a good,simple path to follow you a plan that will allow you to get high grades you want in organic chemistry.

  1. Have a desire to learn_ Never cram organic chemistry.

  2. Learning organic chemistry does not require any special talent and skills. In order to be succeed in your study of organic chemistry, you need only the desire to learn and the willigence to work hard. Organic chemistry is not a subject that can be crammed. Many students make the mistake of trying to memorize this subject . An understanding of basic principles is more important than memorization. It is true that facts must be learned, but you will be confused by them unless you understand them first. " I have no idea where people get idea that organic chemistry is memorization. I do not even know that what you would even memorize. Any one tells you organic chemistry requires lots of memorization than you are seriously misinformed."

  3. Read carefully _ Never Skip Topics. First read each chapter of it carefully. Then close your book and try to reproduce the key facts you have studied. Be specific and write them down. This technique will repidly reveal which items you know well and which require further study. Then spend more time of facts which cause trouble. Organic chemistry is comulative. That is, what you learn today is a basis of new material tomorrow. It is important that you attempt to master each topic/concept before you go to another topic. So do not read selectively.

  4. Never Get Behind _ Set Deadlines . Some of us have poor study habits , a fatal sin in organic chemistry is to fall behind. Attempts at cramming a night or two before examination bring the gastly realization that the subject can not be quickly learned. Also the pace of course does not allow much breathing space to catch up once one left behind. So keeps it up!. Set a deadline for each chapter . Without deadline you do not get serious about getting something done. Studying organic chemistry one hour a day is much better than studying it saven hour on Sunday.

  5. Learn the basics of organic structures _ Master Nomenclature. If you do not know to name a simple compound d ,like an alcohol or alkene or ether, you will fail every test . Guaranteed! . The whole language of organic chemistry is based on Nomenclature and organic structures. The more you know about basic , then easier to memorize chemical reactions and their procedure step by step . More easir way to get them is to read it again and again and again.

  6. Study Actively _ Use Lots Of Paper And Pencil. Write structures , reactions and mecganisms over and over again. Organic chemistry is best assimilated by writing not by learning and simply reading. Organic reactions and mechanism are very much complex you do not get them simply by understanding. For their complete knowledge you get them through writting again and again.

  7. Do A Lot Of Practice Problems. Let's face it . The standard measuring stick for your performance is your performance on examination. These are composed of problems that you must solve on your own, without reference to notes or note book. It is extremely important that you apply what you learned. The ideas will not be fixed on your mind until you fix them. To achieve this must solve problems given at the end of each chapter.

  8. Stay Stress-free . Keep yourself stress free. This is because stress effect your mind, memory and concentration. It makes you feel tired. Stress reduces your efficiency. Relieve yourself of extra stress by getting goals and keeping a diary.

  9. The above tricks should successfully lead you through the trials and translations of organic chemistry. Good Luck . Remember in your prayers .Stay turned 😍😆

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