The positive and negative effects of covid-19 pandemic in Nigeria

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2 years ago

Covid-19 pandemic which struck the world around year 2019 will be one of those happenings which won't be forgotten easily in the world records. The impacts of the pandemic was felt by all and sundry, thus making it possible for some people to do findings on its impact to humanity; both positive and negative.

As disastrous as the pandemic was, there were still some good things that comes with the pandemic. There are positive effects as well as the negative effects. Although the negative effects of the pandemic really outweighs the latter effects in many ways.

Looking at the negative effects of the pandemic worldwide, there have been massive records of death owing to this covid 19 infection. Many people lost their loved ones as a result of the pandemic. This brought sorrow to many people who lost their loved ones to death. The pandemic really dealt with the world generally during the first wave.

Another effect of the Covid-19 pandemic on the national and world economies cannot be overlooked. The compulsory lockdown declared by the government made some people to lose their jobs. Small scale traders too were compelled to close their shops. The lockdown also restrained people from going to their places of work. All these consequently brought about economic declination in many countries especially Nigeria. Different sectors of the economy were affected by the pandemic.

Another negative effects of the pandemic is the increase in Intimate partner violence(IPV). Intimate partner violence has to do with the violence that exists among people who are often defined on intimate relationships. For example husband and wife. The stay at home order exercebated the rate of violence in homes among couples. Violence which includes but not limited to physical violence, sexual violence, psychological violence and so on. What really triggered such violence is because since the oppressed have been confined to their homes, they don't have access to seek for help against their oppressors from outside. Even though this type of violence might be present before the pandemic started, however it tends to increase during the pandemic since lockdown exists and it gives more opportunity for the victims (most especially women) to be oppressed more and more by their husbands. Such violence may be sexual violence which may take the form of forcing sexual acts on another person without their consent, or physical violence such as beating of one's spouse knowing that the victim has nowhere to go especially during the lockdown period.

Many negative effects of the pandemic  goes on but there has to be some good things the pandemic brought to some people and countries as the case may be. First, the pandemic helped to boost Nigeria's economy more especially in the aspect of food production. The emergence of the pandemic prompted the government then to close all the borders to Nigeria. This act made some foreign products and goods often imported into the country to be stopped. As a result of this singular act, many people began to find alternatives to all the foreign products and goods they were used to before. For instance, the foreign rice import was stopped because the border was closed, this made the local farmers start to plant local rice which eventually became the favourite of everyone. Infant industries were also helped during the pandemic as they now serve as the alternative to produce the unavailable foreign products. Some people who were already addicted to foreign things now have to consider the local products too. Consequently, this boosted the nation's economy tremendously.

The Covid also facilitated social cohesion in some ways. As a result of the compulsory lockdown, many people found the spontaneous opportunity to be with their families. Ordinarily, some people find it difficult to secure time to be together with their families as a result of the nature of their jobs. Hence the lockdown helped to strengthen family bonds and mutuality.

What about the concentration of efforts on the health sector of Nigeria as a country? The pandemic prompted the government to improve all our health facilities and centres they have abandoned before. The nonchalant attitude of the government towards the health sectors of Nigeria was discouraged as they felt the need to improve on the health services in the country.

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2 years ago
