Four Things to know About Me

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2 years ago

Before I start my article for todays, I wanna say to everyone a happy last day of the month, April 2022. I think April was good for some while bad for others, there is always like this. About mine, April was so good for me. Why? Because in April I celebrated lot of lovely days with my loving people. Even I am more productive in this month in So now I am waiting for a new month, going for May. Inshallah it will be more productive for us.

Let's go to the main topic for my today's article. As I remember on the first day of April I started with a prompt and now for the last day of April I will also end with the prompt again. I was reading some articles in then I found this prompt from @ARTicLEE. Now I will answer those questions that I have picked.

Why do you lie?

To be honest I hate lie and I always try to stay away from lie. I believe that, it is better having poor horse than no horse at all. But It doesn’t mean that I didn’t say any lie. I lie when I am angry, like I am angry when my mom ask if I have done with my breakfast then I will say "Yes". But the truth is I didn’t take it yet.

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Did you cheat?

Yes I did it. But not with my family, not with my relatives nor with my loving people. I like to play cricket and football but my father don't allow me to play it. Because many times I get injured by playing. But in school, I play cricket and football and at end of the day when I got home from school, I always have my clothes dirty then I told my father, as an excuse, that I fell down in the field riding with my bicycle haha. So that was my cheating.

How often do you eat street food?

Although street food is not so much good for our health. But to be honest I love to eat street foods. When I go to market or some other place just to visit if there is any street food then surely I will buy it. You believe me or not, there is a time that I found the a very tasty food from the street shop, and I can assure that you will not found this taste, from any other restaurants.

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Have you been scolded by someone?

Yes I was scolded by my father before. Sometimes when I am not helping him in his work or he is bad mood then he scold me. But after scolded me, he always showed that he love me so much. I also really love my father and lucky to have him as my father.

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There was lot of question to answer but I just picked this four. Because I am not feeling good to answer all. Hahha

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Thank you so much readers, my lovely sponsors, upvoter and commenter for supporting me. Inshallah I will also do it. Thanks for visiting! See you soon to my another article.

PS.Thanks a lot dear @ExpertWritter for your sponsorship and my lovely friend @renren for renewing the sponsorship. GOD bless both of you

Hello all of my Sweet family. How about you all? I hope and pray that everyone is fine there and leading good life.I am also quite fine from here.

May Allah bless us.Have a good day for everyone.

Date: 30 April 2022.

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2 years ago


Everyone lie at some point but I can't lie just to hurt someone, though lying is bad but lying and hurting someone at the same time is just unthinkable

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I hate lie but I can't neglect being a liar sometimes esp. About my feelings. Anyways, I love streetfood too and i experience scold because of being a stubborn kid. Haha

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Glad to know about you my dear friend.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

It was great to read your article, you have done the right thing. I agree with you.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Thanks for your word

$ 0.00
2 years ago