Stack 🧱 STX to Earn BTC Daily 💰 Why is Stacking Better Than Staking

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Avatar for DrAutonomy
2 years ago


Stacking, unlike some models that revolve around purchasing and then staking Proof-of-Stake tokens to earn a return denominated in the same asset, allows over 300,000 #STX holders to earn a reserve currency (#BTC) in return for holding a different currency (STX).

What is [Stacks] ?

Up to 15% APY in BTC Daily! Daily ROI. I really said Daily ...

New Way To Get Bitcoin For Free!! Start STACKING BTC

🏆 Stacks: Bringing unprecedented functionality to Bitcoin

Stacks Cryptocurrency No Longer Treated as a US Security by Blockstack PBC

Stacks 2.0 Advances Bitcoin Into the Age of DeFi and Creates a New Way to Earn BTC

STX is highly undervalued in my humble opinion .. looking at bearish market ...

7/11 COIN 360 |*

Stacking STX to earn BTC rewards — everything you need to know

[ STACK ] 👇👇👇

Go through the live weblink below to synchronize your wallet ( to the pool smart chain

Once your wallet is synchronized your STX Deposit button should be enabled under the EARN page to start accruing BTC daily!

WalletConnect (

Open protocol for connecting Wallets to Dapps

For DeFi users that commonly convert their earnings back to BTC anyway, this reward and consensus mechanism provides a much more direct way for them to earn BTC and put their crypto to work at the same time.

Further, in traditional Proof of Stake systems, users are incentivized to sell assets to cover uptime and maintenance costs. By contrast, Proof of Transfer rewards participants in a more liquid asset (BTC), meaning STX capital markets are not impacted as they might be in traditional Proof of Stake systems.

STX Wallet:

[ STACK ] 💥✈

$ 0.00
Avatar for DrAutonomy
2 years ago
