How to Grow Your YouTube Channel For Free - An Insider's Guide For Beginners.

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2 years ago

How to Grow Your YouTube Channel For Free - An Insider's Guide For Beginners.

Growing your YouTube channel is hard. You need to post regularly, promote your videos, and build an audience that trusts you. Doing all of these things takes time, which can be hard when you’re just starting out. It also may not seem like the most enjoyable thing in the world to do. But don’t worry! I’ve got your back. Today I’m going to show you how to grow your YouTube channel for free- an insider's guide for beginners like yourself.

Here are some tips on how to get started: 

1) Know Your Audience 

2) Pick The Right Niche 

3) Post Regularly 

4) Promote Your Videos 

5) Build A Following 

6) Get Featured On Other Channels.

Know Your Audience 

You'll need to know who your audience is if you want to grow your YouTube channel. Who are they? What can they relate to? Knowing this will help you decide what type of videos to make.

Pick The Right Niche 

Choosing the right niche for your video content is essential to growing your following on YouTube.

However, this doesn't mean that you can only create videos on one topic.

In fact, many successful YouTube channels post content about multiple topics- as long as those topics are within the same niche.

So instead of posting a video about makeup every day, mix it up and post a video about makeup once a week and a video about cooking once a month. 

This will help you grow your audience because they'll be able to see more of what interests them from your channel.

Post Regularly 

If you're not posting regularly, YouTube might not show your videos to the audience you want. To avoid this, post to your channel at least once a week. You can post more often if you want, but don't get carried away and over-post. Stick with 1 to 3 times per week.

Build A Following 

As you grow your YouTube channel, it's important to establish a following. When it comes to growing subscribers and views, one of the most effective ways is to collaborate with other channels.

Collaborating is a great way to cross-promote on other channels and promote your own content on theirs. There are two types of collaborations that can be beneficial: 

1) A guest post 

2) A video response.

A guest post is when someone on another channel interviews you and posts the video of your interview on their channel. This can be an opportunity for you to promote your content by linking back to it in the video description or at the end of the interview post.

The second type of collaboration is a video response, which is when you make a video responding and answering questions asked in another channel's video or blog post. For example, if someone asks "What are some good tips for beginners?" in their video, you would create a short video giving them 6 tips for beginners so they could share your 6 tips with their audience!

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2 years ago
