Normalize Paying Others For Their Time And Expertise!

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2 years ago
Topics: Inspirational

Pay for access! Learn to pay those that have what you need to get to your next level!

Chai 4 million for school fees🤩just to be among the crême de la crême of the society !

I went to make some photocopies today and met 2 men and 1 middle aged woman discussing. As I wait for my copies, their conversation got my attention.

One of the men said, his boss’s child attends a school where the fee is 4 Million Naira. As if a something popped out of my ears😛. Before he could finish his thoughts, the second shouted “owo ki ni? what are they learning?

The woman 👩🏽 answered him, it’s not about the school or the fee but who his child will meet and maybe marry in future.

As an edupreneur, my mind opened and I promised myself to pay for more access than I have done in the last years!

Know this and know peace, some doors will not open unto you except you pay. Either in form of books or courses or products, to gain some level of access into the “ inner secret of growth and wealth “ of most of the people you wish you can move closer to.

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