One thing I fear

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3 years ago

We all have our many fears, we wouldn't be human if we didn't fear certain things. From the very minutes ones to the really big and future dependant fears. There is the fear of rats I have, then there's also the fear of flying cockroaches hahahaha.

I also have a big fear for heartbreaks and all, that's why I don't do love easily. But perhaps my biggest fear of all is not been able to provide for my family and loved ones. Nothing drives me, and fuels my hustling spirit more than that. I want to be able to provide for my beautiful sister whenever she needs from me, and my brother's should they need my assistance.

That singular fear pushes me to keep working, it pushes me to keep hustling even on those bad days when things are slow and it all looks gloomy. My fear allows me to take a break and rest and refuel myself, but inevitably get back to work.

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3 years ago


Thank you

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3 years ago

Wow that's cute article

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3 years ago