Good Health is Underrated.

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3 years ago

We many times don't know what we have until we have lost it. One of the biggest things we as humans take for granted is our health. And it's only when we have fallen seriously and terrible sick, that many begin to treat their bodies with utmost care.

And it honestly shouldn't be so. Our bodies need to be pampered and rested and taken care of. It truly is important to show them love. You take care of what you have so that it will last long for you.

The same should be the case with our bodies. But many people use the body like it will just kee going and going without proper maintenance. Health is wealth my friends, and when your health fails you every other thing begins to fail.

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Avatar for Don_Christov
3 years ago


For elderly patients or those with neurological conditions, maintaining balance and preventing falls are critical aspects of rehabilitation. Physiotherapists in hospital settings implement specialized balance training programs Physiotherapy Hospital in Nangloi aimed at improving stability, coordination, and proprioception. Through exercises targeting core strength, gait training, and proprioceptive drills, they help patients regain confidence in their mobility and reduce the risk of falls, thereby enhancing safety and independence.

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2 weeks ago

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9 months ago

I wrote somewhere here on this platform that the creator wrote in our DNA that our first priority is to stay alive. Look around no one wants to die excluding mentally ill people. So even the human being is an intelligent life form but still kills themselves by not eating natural food poisoning themselves with chemically produced goods and gets sick. This is a learned behavior. If you think out of the box you can easily realize the truth.

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2 years ago

You are soo right dear.We should always take good care of our bodies no matter what.kindly subscribe back.Thanks.

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3 years ago