My confidence getting low

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Written by
2 years ago
Topics: Confidence

I got body shame for this day. People telling me that "u look like an old mother already", "you have a petite body, gain some weight" and "you look like pregnant on your shirt". Everyday im trying to gain some weight, i already started taking medicine, eat more food even i want to vomit already and eat some food who have protein, im really trying my best but please stop saying things like that cause i already know to myself that i have an ugly body, also some people says that i have a dark under arm, i have so much hair, my hair is so ugly and my face is already look like a ghost because im pale, did you know that im already stress in everything, school, myself, and house chores again im trying to make myself look good, im doing my best to have my self confidence, so please stop saying harsh words because im trying. :)

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