What is love

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Avatar for Dolorexa43
3 years ago
Topics: Love

Poets write about it, philosophers discuss, musicians sing, and most people crave it.

There is no doubt that love is complicated. When you feel it, you will know what it is, but it will not be easy to save it. Fortunately, science can help you find and keep love.

In addition, read 6 scientifically proven facts about love that will clarify some things for you ...

1. The brain does not react the same to love and passion

Chemistry and passion are the basic ingredients of love, but they are not enough in themselves. They are the main reason for the failure of a large number of short relationships and intense summer romances. Studies have shown that the brain really reacts differently to love and passion. Passion activates the part of the brain that is associated with short-term pleasures, and love activates the parts that relate to basic human needs, such as drinking water when you are thirsty. Love is a long ride. Passion for a certain person can last for hours, months or years in the end. Over time, passion can grow into love, but it is wrong to confuse these two emotional states.

2. Love is a feeling, but also a conscious decision

Have you ever felt hopelessly in love?

Research has shown that people who are very much in love imitate physiological rhythms. During the day, people think about their loved one and are ready to do anything to make them happy. Due to external influences - stress, misunderstandings and conflicts, even the most in love couples break up. No matter how nervous or angry you are, it is important that you consciously choose love and react in a way that will strengthen the relationship. Feelings will change and their intensity will change over the years, but if you really want to - you can keep the love.

3. You can increase your ability to love

The power of awareness is great and you can really improve your ability to love. The power of consciousness reduces the activity of those parts of the brain responsible for fear and anger. It encourages positive feelings and helps us connect with people on a deeper level.

4. Love improves physical health

Of course, romantic love is not the only way to improve your health, but any form of love can lead to living a long and healthy life. Studies have repeatedly shown that those who constantly feel lonely and rejected are at higher risk of premature death. People who have achieved a deep emotional connection with someone, feel better and live longer.

5. Love is contagious

People who regularly display basic elements of love, such as compassion and sincere concern, inspire others to do the same. Whether you have a successful relationship or simply take care of your loved ones, your love can serve as an example.

6. Sometimes love is something that needs to be learned

Love goes hand in hand with trust, respect and vulnerability. People who have experienced some trauma have a hard time trusting a new partner. Over time, you can teach a person to feel love again. Never force the "love" of a potential partner. Don’t wait for him to be ready for love. If you put in enough effort and time, but have not received any feedback, it is time to move on.

It is difficult to define, find and keep love. However, science has managed to find a way to clarify this complicated emotion that will facilitate the search for true and eternal love.

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Avatar for Dolorexa43
3 years ago
Topics: Love
