Why is water colourless...

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Why is water colorless?

Science and technology

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Answer (4)

Abdul Baten


Almost everything we see has some color. All kinds of drinks or food also have colors.

But there is no color of water !! The reason is:

The main source of light is the sun. White to see the sunlight. As we know, white light is made up of a combination of different lights. The seven colors of the sun become white and fall on everything. Although white, there are many colors in it. When this light falls on an object, the object absorbs many colors. The color that is not absorbed is reflected on the object. As a result, the reflected color becomes the color of the object.

The same is true of water. But the light that falls on the water, all the colors of white light are absorbed in almost equal proportions as it passes through the water. Here no light of a particular color is absorbed at all. So the water is colorless.

Note that,

A small amount of water or water may seem colorless but as the thickness increases the dark blue color of the water tends to increase. For example- sea water but blue can be seen.

This is due to the light coming from the sun which is actually a combination of seven colors of light. When this ray of light enters the ocean water, the red, orange, yellow light of these long wavelengths is strongly absorbed in the water. But the "blue light" of short wavelengths is not so well absorbed and reflected. Then we see the blue water of the sea.

On the other hand, if there is a large amount of dirt, mud, algae or pollutants in the sea water, then this blue light radiation cannot occur in that water. Because mud and dirt bind all kinds of light to radiation. As a result, the sea water then takes on different colors (dark, green, light yellowish, slightly red, etc.).

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