Why is there much lighting in Bangladesh?

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3 years ago

Lightning has been happening every day in Bangladesh for the last few days. More than 20 people were killed in lightning strikes in several districts of the country on Wednesday.

Experts say Bangladesh is one of the countries in South Asia that is prone to lightning. But what is the reason?

Bangladesh Agricultural University Professor of Environmental Sciences has done research on lightning in Bangladesh. MA Farooq.

He says, “The main reason for lightning in Bangladesh is the geographical location of the country. On one side of Bangladesh is the Bay of Bengal, then the Indian Ocean. Hot and humid air is coming from there. To the north is the mountainous region, in the distance is the Himalayas, from where cold winds blow. The combination of these two winds is creating a favorable environment for lightning. "

"After winter, warm air starts coming from the Bay of Bengal, on the other hand, cold air comes from the Himalayas," he said. The hot winds of the south and the cold winds of the north create unstable winds and thunder clouds. Lightning is created by the friction of another cloud with such a cloud. When such a high-voltage electric wave hits the ground, it hits what is closest to it.

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3 years ago


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3 years ago

Yes I also noticed this kind of news in the newspaper.It is going dangerous in our country. Thank you @Dolon for your first article in read.cash .You submitted your first article in our Community "The Creative World'". (me moderator and admin).Congratulation your Article is approved.If you need any kind of help contact me at telegram https://t.me/MrTrenzs . I will try my best to help you.Me also from Bangladesh.

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3 years ago