Why is that only with me?

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3 years ago
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There are times in our lives when we think, “Why me? Why is this happening to me? "I feel unhappy most of the time, or there are times when failure doesn't follow us. I feel surrounded by one failure after another. I think all my dreams are stuck at this time. It may never come true. I create a kind of wall of negative thoughts without knowing it. Feeling we have 'Run out of gas' emotionally or emotionally. Gradually we are pushed towards various mental illnesses like depression

Pearls originate from the sand or a moth turns into a butterfly after a long period of hardship

If we don't think in this way, we can think of some small examples, then maybe we can reduce our stress a little bit. Did you know that coal is turned into diamonds by high pressure, pearls originate from sand, or a moth turns into a butterfly after a long period of hardship? Depending on whether you turn your bad times into diamonds or just grieve or turn yourself into dust by stopping your pace, it's up to you. You can get out of time if you let that light come into you. Besides, your wounds will continue to grow. A lot has improved in the digital age, but it has had some negative effects on human health. Nowadays, depression or suicide The words are often discussed and criticized, but for the solution we can talk to ourselves a little bit to understand ourselves.

People of any age are now suffering from depression. At the age when we could not understand anything other than studying, or going to school or any serial like "Alif Laila", now boys and girls of that age easily decide to commit suicide. The influence of the media has diminished our ability to understand the value of our lives and of course behind all this is the education system and social system of our country. We may not have much in our hands but our thoughts are in our hands if we continue to think negatively or have a precious life. Don't think that money is worthless, don't choose the path of suicide without paying the price of the people you love, or if you continue to spend your days with human pain, then one day you will see that your time of thinking is over. Every wound makes a scar and maybe a happy story. And the story of survival I Breathe deeply and think, now you will open a new page, where you will write about being good I will think well - you can - your time will come I just take the time Keep I with positive thinking

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3 years ago
