Real friend.

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Remember the famous social worker Helen Keller? "It's better to walk in the dark with a friend than to walk in the light alone," he said.

And the words of that song by popular singer Anjan Dutt-

“Friendship is not a title

Friend, don't cry

Friend green forever

The age of friendship does not increase.

Maybe on your porch

I don't have clothes

Yet in the window of the mind is free anagona

Friend, I am yours, so don't make any other demands. "

Friends are the meeting place of all rules, irregularities, beliefs, dependencies and broken relationships. What cannot be said to anyone can be unveiled in front of a friend. Friends are sometimes teachers, sometimes the only companion of all mischief. Friendship is another name for breaking the barrier of the mind, excitement, passion and childish commotion. The relationship that does not exist on the way is racial, the relationship that exists is above all barriers. That's a friend. Friendship cannot be bought with money, nor can friendship be bought with force. Just want quality for friendship. Let's learn some of the qualities of a good friend.

The spontaneity of every moment

Asking two people to be friends is not friendship. Like love, friendship is smooth and spontaneous. As a result, dear friends never remain silent together. They are lively and playful. If you do not want to talk, then it is better not to make that friendship. At least friendship is not forced

Friendship is forever

Dear friend forever. Maybe the two of them went to different colleges, lived in different cities, engaged in various activities of daily life, but after so many good friendships are never lost. Two good friends will never forget each other, but will think of each other more and more and will meet each other when the time comes, this is how friendship should be. Forgetting each other out of anger is never true friendship. Friendships need to be kept alive by trying to connect and communicate with each other in any way we can.

Be faithful in friendship

Faith in words has the power of love. And it is very important to maintain trust in friendship. It is never desirable to break the trust of friendship based on the words of a third party. A true friend always has to keep this in mind, only then can there be real friendship.

থাকাStay by the side in times of trouble

Responding to another friend without thinking about the danger of one friend is the identity of true friendship. To help him in the danger of a friend at an inopportune time if necessary. The friend for whom you can do this and the friend who will always be by your side is your true friend.

Respecting the will of friendship

The wishes of a friend should always be respected. If you don't like it, say so directly. Respect for each other is essential to maintaining a relationship. Criticize, but not harshly. However, it is very important to be aware of the use of critical language. Once a mistake is made, it is the responsibility of the true friend to correct it without throwing it away. Being humble towards a friend is the main tool of friendship.

Being a true friend of a friend

A good friend always wants the best of a friend. Everyone wants to be good to himself, but to think that a friend will be harmed for him, but not a true friend. A true friend will want to improve himself as well as you. No matter where or how far away you are, wishing for the welfare of a friend is the hallmark of a dear friend

Be honest in friendship

Friendship must be honest. False information or ideas can build a friendship, but it never lasts. It is the duty of a true friend to express what you are and to present a clear idea to your friend by showing your personality by eliminating unnecessary artificiality. There is no substitute for honesty to get friends like mind. Honesty keeps the tree of relationships fresh without preservatives.

Giving time to a friend

Longtime friends spend time behind each other. The surrounding conditions of human beings are constantly changing over time. Friends may not give as much time as before. The result is that the relationship between the two friends will be disrupted, but not. New friends as well as old relationships have to be welded all the time. Old friendships should not be lost in the daily grind. Only a cell phone distance between your friend and you. Remember the friend, reminisce.

Being a good listener

It is also important to be a good listener in friendship. In conversation with a friend, one should not focus only on one's own words. Letting a friend talk and encouraging discussion makes it easier for the two to understand each other's likes and dislikes. It is the duty of a true friend to give importance to his friend's problems and not to make fun of things that are important to him. Friend means not only telling him everything I say, but also embracing his words.

Learning to sustain friendships

Maintaining friendships is a difficult task. But a true friend always prioritizes relationships. However, many do not know how to maintain a friendship. As a result, various problems are created without any reason, distance is created, friendship is gradually lost. On the contrary, those who want to maintain long-term friendship must have normalcy and vitality. Friendships have to learn to avoid misunderstandings, anger, affection, preoccupation, avoidance, nervousness, etc.

Some Famous Quotes About Friendship-

A true friend is one who will be by your side when the whole world is on the other side. - Walter Winchel

There is nothing more precious in this world than true friendship. - Thomas Aquinas

Old friends as a blessing. Because you can fool them. - Ralph Waldo Emerson

Friendship is a sweet responsibility, not an opportunity. - Khalil Gibren

The only way to have a friend in life is to be a friend yourself. - Ralph Waldo Emerson

Friendship is one mind in two bodies. - Manchius

True friendship is like good health. Until it is lost, its importance can hardly be realized. - Charles Caleb Colton

There is no such thing as a newcomer; Only friends you haven't met yet. - William Cutler Yates

The greatest gift of life is friendship, and I have accepted it. - Hobart H. Humphrey

Friendship and good behavior will take you to a place where money cannot take you. - Margaret Walker

Friendship is one of the criteria for measuring one's wealth. - Charles Darwin

Source: Brainie Coates, WikiHow, Life Optimizer.

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