Jig Ziegler, a famous American writer and motivational speaker, said that there is no elevator to climb to the top of success, one has to climb the stairs one step at a time. So, there is no shortcut to success, you just have to cross the big road to get there. Learn how to inspire yourself to cross this big road.
1. Ask yourself "why": If we do not know why we are doing the work, then there will be no urge to do the work. These factors move us forward, whether we want to build a career, change the world, or try to prove any disbelief. Famous American motivational speaker Simon Cinick talks about a golden circle - first, why then how, and what? If you don't have a goal right now, set a goal quickly. For example, fast reading, how to learn or how to speak in front of someone.
2. Stick: According to the Dunning Kruger effect, many of us are very confident when I go to learn something new. As a result, our motivation decreases and many of us give up quickly. The key to success here is not to give up. Once you become proficient in that subject, confidence will come back again.
3. Get feedback: A marathon runner knows how much of a difference the motivation of the spectators at the last minute of the race makes to the results. Therefore, knowledge of results is a powerful driving force that works for everyone. So get started and get good and bad feedback from people you know about yourself and get inspired. One way to get feedback is to take advice. Most people love to give this advice and love it.
4. Find a consultant: Get advice from a scientist. Seek the advice of a wise person who can encourage you and who has the power to encourage you. In it, one finds encouragement, finds new ideas and even finds meaning in life. So keep in touch with the people you like around you and use them when needed.
5. Avoid excuses: Don't make any excuses. A study from the University of Florida found that we make excuses to cover up the failure of our fragile igo. It makes things worse for important tasks that have to be done over and over again. That is, when you have a big goal and you make excuses instead of doing small habits and actions to achieve the goal, then the goal is sure to be achieved. For example, you need to walk regularly to lose weight, but it is raining today so you have decided not to walk. George Washington Carver "blamed this excuse for 99% of the failures." So quit this harmful habit today.
5. Positive Priming: Start your day with positive priming. Priming is about spending a little time adjusting your thoughts and emotions. A team of Canadian researchers found that call center salespeople who saw pictures of success on the phone were 50% more successful than others. We all get smarter in the library because we can all be more thoughtful there. Many people are more successful in their work than in good clothes, standing up straight and raising their hands and heads. So, we can be inspired by our own positive priming.
. Bet: Take life as a game and bet on yourself. Many people in the world have lost weight by betting to lose weight. So bet on achieving something in life, you will see the victory will be yours.
. Reviewing one's own progress: Nelson Mandela says it seems impossible until something is done. So if you review your activities from past to present, you can understand what your current situation is like. It indicates progress. Good song teachers keep students ’first day records. When those records were shown to students a year later, most students were amazed at their progress. Moreover, past success accelerates the success of current work. So we can inspire ourselves by watching the progress of our work.
. Start with a little: Start with a small easy task. When the work is successful, we get inspired and start another work. This is called the cycle of self-improvement or automatic morale. If we start with very hard work in the beginning then morale breaks down, which gives rise to frustration and stops before the work starts. For example, if you want to learn to sing, try 5 minutes every day without working for two or four days and nights. Little by little you will learn to sing one day, otherwise you will end up learning music after two or four days of hard work.
9. Stay in touch with positives: Famous author Jim Ron writes that we usually spend most of our time with an average of 5 people. So mingle with positive-minded people who believe in change to be inspired. Negative people find problems in every solution. So, always stay in touch with positive progressive minded people and spend time with them.
So, you can motivate yourself by asking yourself why, by working, by getting feedback from others, by taking expert advice, by excluding excuses, by priming, by betting, by observing progress, by starting small, and by mixing with progressive minded people. Be successful at work.
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