Love of life...

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Time Voice Desk- Love or love! From the beginning of creation, man has run after his love with an irresistible attraction. What are these things, love, love? How is it? Why is that? There are questions of emotion, there are questions of reality, there are arguments and there is nothing. Sometimes there are dreams and sometimes nothing can be found.

How many laughter and tears songs about love have made this world rhythmic. But the fate of love is everyone's

Not good, some people have never got Ha-Pityesh for life, but no one has got to see this unrequited love again. That is why all the famous and unknown lovers around the world have different feelings about love.

In a hurry, he must have wanted to know, 'Well, why do we love? What is the need to lose the head khamaka? If you like someone, when you see someone's sweet love relationship, you must sometimes want to know what love is. What is the definition of love?

You will see that nothing is coming to mind, you cannot find any answer. It's not your fault. Boddharao ate habudubu from birth to match the complex equation of this love. Let's take a breather. How have the lovers of the world expressed their feelings of frustration or happiness of getting this love interest in the ages?

You will surely experience most of these feelings in a lifetime.

Yeah Al that sounds pretty crap to me, Looks like Al that sounds pretty crap to me, Looks like Al that sounds pretty crap to me, Looks like Al that sounds pretty crap to me, Looks like Al that sounds pretty crap to me, Looks like Al that sounds pretty crap to me.

Searching for all the famous sayings about love through Google Wiki, I have found the expressions of the feelings of hundreds of great men, but it is very surprising that at least four of them have not found any comments, sayings or expressions about the love of women lovers anywhere! This is an infinite mystery.

Let's start with a quote from the late writer Humayun Ahmed about his deep understanding of love,

- Humayun Ahmed said,

‘Everyone will hurt you, you just have to find someone whose suffering you can endure’

At another stage of his life, the writer felt that -

‘There are many kinds of oppression in the world. The oppression of love is the most terrible oppression. Nothing can ever be said against this oppression, it just has to be tolerated. '

- Humayun Ahmed

Let us know what others thought,

There is no taste of love without mixing anger with Sohag - like chilli in curry

- Rabindranath Tagore

Instead of wasting time collecting other people's autographs, make yourself useful so that others can collect your autographs.

- George Bernard Shaw

Someday, if one day love suddenly comes and says in a hurry, "Let's go", wherever the two eyes go, will they go?

- Helal Hafiz

When you look at your empty path, your eyes are blinded, all the rivers are closed, your time is not up - today is a day of sorrow, all day is snowing… the mind is not good, the mind is not good

- Mahadev Saha

Covers such as kusum, petals abadale crop sleep. In the same way, your intensive walk, along the main path of mysticism.

- Rudra Muhammad Shahidullah

It is not a skill to wake up the ball 1000 times, if you practice, anyone can do it, then you can also work in a circus. The real skill is to pass the ball in one touch, and throw it on the right foot of the teammate

- Johan Cruyff

What is speed? The media often mixes cunning and speed. If you start running a little earlier than your opponent, you will feel faster

- Johan Cruyff

The one I promised to bring the sun to Shire has spent the night in the love of darkness. Now the cloud of desire for his Krishna bathes in the light of the firefly, whereas I wanted to give him fresh sunshine.

- Rudra Muhammad Shahidullah

Thus in this empty palm did I write to you Your very name is love, the sleepless dew of fog!

- Rudra Muhammad Shahidullah

If I die before you or you die before me, then we should not push the boundaries of pain because there is nothing bigger than survival.

- Pablo Neruda

Tired of dreaming all night. Whoever dreamed about, if he knew!

- Nirmalendu Guna

Maybe we'll be alone again, but honestly we won't do anything for a whole day. Like the river that will prepare for death this autumn next winter, we will be ready for our whole day, this autumn.

- Nirmalendu Guna

When he sits down to sing, tears will come to his eyes, and everyone will say, "Isn't that the song taught by the traveler?" I will feel your caress, your voice will cry in your heart! There will be many tears in my mind "- He will wipe his hard eyes frequently - he will understand that day

- Kazi Nazrul Islam

Winter night will come again, don't come and he - whoever is next to you if there is an obstacle in your happiness, don't come and he! I remember reading, I hate to lie down with my head in my arms every day! That memory will burst like a thorn in that bed - you will understand, you will understand that day!

- Kazi Nazrul Islam

Those of us who have sat down in the dark on a long winter's night, after the haystack, have heard the fluttering of the wings in the enchanted night; The smell of the old owl - where he lost again in the dark! I realized that the winter night is wonderful - the field is filled with the deep joy of fluttering wings; The buck called out to the branches of Ashtatha; Those of us who understand all these secrets of life

- Jibanananda Das

I have no objection to an architectural work, I do not approve of any renovation of it. The architectural work is the female body.

- Humayun Azad

There is no such thing as second, third, fourth, fifth love. When people fall in love then every love is first love.

- Humayun Azad

Beautiful body is more attractive than beautiful mind. But Bhandara said the opposite

- Humayun Azad

There is a kind of weakness in loving someone intensely. Feeling we have 'Run out of gas' emotionally. This thing makes itself small.

- Humayun Ahmed

The reality is so hard that sometimes even the point-to-point love built up inside the chest becomes helpless.

- Humayun Ahmed

Rewards are a lot like love; It is very necessary to get it once or twice, it is more vulgar to get it

- Humayun Azad

Every successful love poem means that the poet did not find a lover, every failed love poem means that the poet married a lover

- Humayun Azad

The woman who looks beautiful while sleeping is the real beauty

- Humayun Ahmed

Surviving in a world of young people without girlfriends, like a cow walking in a grassless field

- Humayun Ahmed

If you can't live well with the man you see, how can you love God whom you have never seen?

- Humayun Ahmed

What good is love if it doesn't feel stigma

- Lalon

Ankhi munjia dekh roop re, ankhi munjia dekh roop re aare dil ke chakhe chahiya dekh bandhuya swarup re

- Hassan Raja

Eternal love is entering one's body and dreaming of another

- Humayun Azad

Two things are found by sharing joy; One is knowledge and the other is love

- Rabindranath Tagore

Whose love is not in youth, his life is in vain

- Shankar

What is the heart of the love-hearted desert should be called paradise?

- Najam Nadvi

Love is a kind of promise

- Krishna Chandra

Better a poor horse than no horse at all. Better a poor horse than no horse at all

- Govindachandra Das

I can't ask for more than your heart can give me

- Fyodor Dostoevsky

My thirst is your interest, your satisfaction is my interest

- Rabindranath Tagore

Girls never feel love for decent boys. What awakens is empathy.

- Humayun Ahmed

Deep love makes people puppets. The lover becomes the doll in the lover's hand or the lover becomes the lover's doll. The two are never dolls together. Who will be the doll and who will be the mastermind depends on the mental capacity. The thread of the doll is in the hands of the one who has more mental power.

- Humayun Ahmed

It's not about falling in love with someone. Very beautiful people do not fall in love with anyone. Others will fall in love with them, that is the rule.

- Humayun Ahmed

Sometimes the relationship of the soul goes beyond the relationship of blood!

- Humayun Ahmed

Eternity is not necessary for love, one moment is enough

- Humayun Ahmed

All of us can do great things, but we can do many small things with a lot of love.

- Mother Teresa

There is no omnipresent love like the first love of a girl in the world. There is no one more fortunate than the one whom the girl loves in her early youth. Although that love remains undisclosed most of the time, the fire of that love burns all the girls for life.

- Rabindranath Tagore

Boy and girl can be friends, but they must fall in love with each other. Maybe for a very short time, or at the wrong time. Or too late, or not forever. But they must fall in love.

- Humayun Ahmed

Boys don't even know when they're really in love. Girls don't even know when they start acting to live in true love.

- Samresh Majumdar

Love is a kind of illusion where a man sees a woman as different from another woman and a woman sees a man as different from another man

- Lewis McCain

Love is an ideal thing and marriage is real. The conflict between ideals and reality will never be resolved.

- Geto

In no way can we blame gravity for the fall in love

- Albert Einstein

In love, the absence of hours seems to be the absence of months, the absence of days seems to be the absence of years, and the absence of short time seems to be the absence of eternity.

- Proverbs

A woman either loves or hates, also does not know any third way

- Pubilius cirrus

The foolish words of the beauties are like the words of heaven

- Krishna Chandra

Only love can sanctify marriage. And the only genuine marriage is that which is sanctified by love.

- Leo Tolstoy

Learn to love, learn to love. Then there will be no overflow of love in your life.

- Thomas Cooler

Do not hide your eyes from the one you love

- Bankimchandra Chatterjee

Birds nest with vines, and humans nest with love.

- Md. Isaac Qureshi

Human life is a flower, and love is like honey

- Victor Hogo

Love is a platform where all people can stand

- Thomas Milton

Flowers can be planted in the desert with love

- Davisbos

Love opens the door of the heart instantly

- Thomas Milton

Love is the friend of life

- James Howell

There are tides in the river of love

- John

There is no loophole in deep love

- George Head

He who loves but expresses less is real in the case of love

- George Debitson

If you love someone blindly, the result will not be good

- Carlyle

Only with love can the debt of love be repaid

- Alexander Bracken

Love has no meaning or quantity

- Kazi Nazrul Islam

The beginning, the middle and the end of everything is love.

- Nofdair

Love is slow, calm and eternal

- Kazi Nazrul Islam

Love is a mental disorder

- Plato

Repeatedly falling in love with the same person is a sign of successful love

- Broton

Hate life Learn to love Corona. With love and receiving love, Talo reveals your life in heavenly balance.

- Milton

In some people's lives, spring comes in secret and is not revealed outside. He himself is enchanted by her image.

- John Fretcher

Don't hate life, learn to love life. With love and receiving love, make your momentary life manifest in heavenly harmony.

- John Milton

Age cannot be hidden like love

- Thomas Decker

Girls can't forget even if they hate the person they fell in love with for the first time. If clean water falls on the paper, you will see that it leaves stains even after drying.

- Samresh Majumdar

The joy of love lasts a short time but the pain lasts a lifetime

- Rabindranath Tagore

Sally is better than Ginny

- Kazi Nazrul Islam

When love is satisfied, its sweetness decreases a lot

- Abraham Cowley

Can you bring a hundred lanterns? One day I flew some lanterns in the sky

- Humayun Ahmed

I am slowly becoming a poet as I do not adapt to the system of roses, guns, constitution, etc.

- Humayun Azad

The candle that burns in the joy of the mind on the day of John will not be seen in the house immediately and the lamp will be lit in the night.

- Krishnachandra Majumdar

The word love is more alive than the word marriage

- Rabindranath Tagore

Large with small, infinite with limit, liberation with love. Whenever I see the light of love, I see it where my eyes meet, there is no limit in the limit.

- Rabindranath Tagore

Nothing is stuck anywhere except you, nothing but you in the iceberg, my ship is completely stuck

- Mahadev Saha

The most precious thing in the world for boys is the smile of girls

- Humayun Ahmed

The tendency to float is in nature. He floats with the rain, floats with the rain, floats with the snow. Again, with great love, with great pain, he flooded his creation

- Humayun Ahmed

All the birds fly in pairs. In birds, only the kite can be seen flying alone. This bird may or may not be familiar with the joy of loneliness

- Humayun Ahmed

Nice girls live in a place where you can't rush to them if you want to. You have to sigh to see them from a distance and say to yourself, aha, aren't they happy?

- Humayun Ahmed

It's a great thing when girl friends get together after a long time. Suddenly everyone's age decreases. I always think that it is a matter of great happiness to survive

- Humayun Ahmed

If love were something like liquid water, then the whole world would be submerged in that love. Even the Himalayas

- Humayun Ahmed

Conservative families fall in love in a hurry. Girls from all those families can't mix with men, suddenly if the opportunity arises - then they get stuck in the hook.

- Humayun Ahmed

The girl caste is Mayawati's caste. When this girl fell in love, she did not understand

- Humayun Ahmed

Come, you know, spring has come to the forest with dear joy, the world is mustard, dear-darsha, beautiful. The wind is turbulent in the forest so the cuckoo is in the fog

- Kazi Nazrul Islam

Gagane Krishna Megh Dole - Kishore Krishna Dole Vrindavane Thir Saudamini Radhika Dole Navin Ghanshyam Sone; Dole Radha Shyam Jhulan-Dolay Dole Aji Shaone

- Kazi Nazrul Islam

The moon is lost, the moon face is in the mirror of its mustard, the small wave breaks the desire, it is in the limb.

- Kazi Nazrul Islam

You're so beautiful, dear, is that my fault? Some moons do not say chakorini crying on the moon

- Kazi Nazrul Islam

Desire and love are completely different. Desire is just a temporary excitement and love is slow, calm and eternal.

- Kazi Nazrul Islam

If it is a brand, I am willing to give your red tuktuk lips alone - 160 million votes

- Pritam Ahmed

The way to truly know a man is to know his dream

- Humayun Ahmed

Feeling we have 'Run out of gas' emotionally. If the man is married, there is no love. And if there is no marriage, then maybe there is love, not just man. Love may be the most beloved of the two.

- Humayun Ahmed

Want to get close to someone all your life? Then keep it with friendship and not with love. Because love will be lost one day but friendship will never be lost

- William Shakespeare

They want happiness, love, love does not match, only happiness goes away

- Rabindranath Tagore

The society is all false, the noise of life is false. Feel the heart with the heart only by drinking the juice of the eyes with the eyes - everything else has merged into the darkness.

- Rabindranath Tagore

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3 years ago


Yes life is pain

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yeah life is full pain

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